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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. What are you, Harry Potter? I'm sorry I said the evil man's name. Good grief.
  2. Watching le batard right now and the girl that was cringing at Ted Cruz segment is great. She catalogued the weirdness so well.
  3. Why can't we just move past the fact that Sheryl Swoopes is an idiot? She apparently was abusive as a coach and is just not a very good person in general.
  4. Pam Cummings

    BC @ FSU

    I guess what I mean is usually guys who suck transfer down....unless it's aggie. This guy has sucked in multiple places and still gets offers to go to better places, it's confusing.
  5. She gets the loudest cheers everywhere she goes. That has to suck if you're playing her at home. It's like when Jordan was playing in the 90s, people just wanted to go see him, they didn't care about the home team.
  6. Pam Cummings

    BC @ FSU

    DJ uiengegeleiei is maybe the worst college football player I've ever watched that somehow still gets all these major opportunities to start.
  7. Lawr enforcemint is reading the board, ya stoopid sip!
  8. It's a thing they tell themselves to justify all the stupid ass yell practice cult shit. It couldn't be that cheering on a football team requires zero practice and they are all wasting their time.
  9. I liked how at the beginning of the game they showed Aggie as "#1 Toughest place to play" and it was based on EA Sports rankings.
  10. You can always count on aggie to aggie it up
  11. How did he not have it?
  12. Weigman's clapping is so elite!!
  13. We are going to pummel Michigan. It will be glorious.
  14. This might be the best team in the country.
  15. Took a sec to get going but now we're cooking
  16. Caitlin came into their house, she went into their fridge, she ate their food, she put her feet up on the couch, etc etc. Getting the crowd to cheer for her at the end was the cherry on top. She is in their heads and it's sublime.
  17. I'm over debating about if Dak is good or not, and I appreciate that you can take my sometimes tiring snark in stride. I just can't wrap my head around letting a starting quality QB walk away for nothing, even if we all think he stinks.
  18. If you're in his shoes that is the move for sure. There's no incentive to sign now. The money will only go up, even if he suffers some sort of injury.
  19. It doesn't matter what you or any self proclaimed internet genuis thinks. He has value as an asset. Other teams would gladly pay him or trade for him and thats all that matters. At this point though you'd have to work a sign and trade.
  20. I forgot about the no trade clause, tbh. Another dipshitted move by the front office.
  21. If other teams want Dak, and you don't, the best possible outcome is working out a trade like Detroit did with Stafford. Losing a starting caliber QB in free agency that lots of other teams would gladly take is malpractice. It's just idiotic roster management. Dak is an asset with value. If you lose him for nothing you're a complete joke.
  22. Why would it be a good thing to let Dak walk in free agency? He is an asset with value. To lose him for nothing is probably one of the most idiotic outcomes possible.
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