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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. I love volleyball lol
  2. Nothing like a little late night meltdown from the totally sane person.
  3. I like "weird", and there needs to be another line of attack based around something like "grow up" for when they start with the 5th grade level humor.
  4. The concept of people wanting "generational wealth" is pretty shitty to begin with. Basically saying that people who don't exist yet, or might not ever exist, are more important than people who are actually alive today. There should be a fucking massive inheritance tax.
  5. Fawk that woulda been a sick goal
  6. My fist pumped reading the thread title
  7. Walz to the white house baby let's go
  8. If it's based on last season why would Rodgers even be on there? It's one of the more awful lists I've ever seen.
  9. I enjoy FTF even though Wright gets on my nerves a bit. But he makes a good case to at least see where he's coming from a lot of the time. And unlike other talking head shows this one has the feel of dudes sitting around and just saying what they think. It doesn't feel like people take positions on things just to do it, they all believe in what they're saying.
  10. Simone has to win with that
  11. Always underrated as a defender. When he was on the Warriors his defense was noticeably awesome.
  12. We're about to tune that ass up aren't we. I like the close exhibition games and international MVPs. Lights a fire under us.
  13. I swore off Sonic long ago. I assume a lot of others did too because they closed a bunch of stores and kinda re branded with different colors and shit. I am wary to give it another try, it was pure trash the last time I ate there.
  14. Gold zone is legit. Basically NFL red zone but with gold medal events. They swing around and show the important stuff. Its even anchored by Siciliano and Scott Hanson. You like the octo box? Try the ten box.
  15. They're going to beat the dems with policy!
  16. How non Celtics fans feel about Tatum
  17. The same people complaining about a blurry ballsack on their screen for 2.5 seconds that they screen shotted and zoomed in on are voting for president pussy grabber. They are the most disingenuous, unserious people.
  18. What is this fear mongering? Yall really think Biden would allow this? If anyone tries anything that even seems remotely fucked, you arrest them.
  19. I see them as that one kid who tries to be the bully and pick on people who seem "weak" then get knocked the fuck out in front of the whole school by a kid who you wouldn't expect it from. Then they try to keep acting tough and being a bully but everyone knows they got their ass kicked by some kid who's in band.
  20. Sooo.....we good at soccer now??
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