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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. I think Ray Allen was this way as well.
  2. "Fix"? The only reason to change is if you think she won't be able to get her shot off. I don't think that will be a problem.
  3. "I don't care about irrelevant stuff" *cites spring game attendance* K.
  4. This is hilarious. Nobody was melting down about the sanctity of college football being broken. We simply pointed out that if Sarkisian did any of the things that Sanders was doing, we'd have his head on a stick.
  5. Would have been better off not contesting. Absolutely. And when they were up 3 they should have fouled instead of letting them shoot a 3.
  6. Sack knows that we will react negatively to his shitposts, that's why he does it. It isn't about being informational. He just wants to rile people up. The problem with a person like him is that all that shit he posts belongs on a site like Texags. That is where people will agree with him. However, those people on that site are so unbelievably stupid about every aspect of life that even he can't handle it. He has to come here to find people who are actually rational and to have decent discussions about sports topics.
  7. And it usually has nothing to do with you or the community you live in. And then we wonder why there is no sense of community. The average person could probably tell me everything going on on Twitter in places around the country but has no idea what the people in their local government are up to.
  8. Another aspect of all these "news sources" is that no matter how outrageous or dumb your opinion is, someone agrees with it. Someone out there will give you the warm and fuzzies you so desperately seek. "See, Jimmy Lipper on Twitter agrees with me! It's not so outrageous after all! Look, he even has a check mark!"
  9. We are oversaturated with bullshit. That's all it is. Too many voices from too many places and we have too much access to it all. A "healthy" society doesn't need this much news. All it is is "here's another hour of outrage and shit that will be used to divide lower classes". All we need is like an hour of evening news every day. That's it. We don't need all this bullshit telling us about things in areas where we will never live that we will never deal with with updates every 5 seconds.
  10. Re looking at the Maxey and-1 on the 3 point shot, that is the exact type of BS foul call that I was talking about in my post upthread.
  11. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that media hype and dad's NFL connections are what is driving this insane idea that Shaduer Sanders is some top QB prospect in this draft. I wouldn't be surprised at all for the expectations to not meet reality and for him to be sitting in that green room undrafted on the first night.
  12. You could see that coming a mile away when they got the 4 point play.
  13. Knicks are a really fun team to root for.
  14. Sean Payton was also the guy who thought it was an awesome idea to sign Taysom Hill to significant money because he's decent at a bunch of random shit that has nothing to do with being a QB.
  15. To me it just comes off as "but the refs" was a pre-loaded excuse for Nuggets fans in case this series was close or they somehow lost.
  16. I did watch the game. The reversed call was bad. But when it happened in the other direction when Russell was smacked in the head in the other game I didn't hear any conspiracy theories. The most annoying thing was Austin Reaves doing the thing where he pump fakes someone, gets them in the air, then bumps into them to get a foul call. That's really annoying. But he is not the only one doing that. I've seen Jokic do it too. That particular call really annoys me when it happens.
  17. Legit feels like the Wolves should win that series. They have more depth and seem less injured, other than their coach.
  18. Your constant bitching about refs in a series that your team won handily is annoying. Just saying.
  19. That first sentence is a real beaut.
  20. I'm in a $5 per week pool with 20 people and we all get a pick each week. Needed Rory to lose that one. Fuckin Ramey/Trainer killed me with that choke job. Not as bad as Blair/Fishburn though. I will say, this was more fun than I thought it would be to watch.
  21. It's a very serious injury. And somehow Tony Parker was able to come back from this injury sooner than the malcontent was from his sore leg. But somehow Tony was the asshole for calling it out.
  22. Pierce has to be done. There's only a few people left in the bargaining stage.
  23. KD had a lot of praise for Ant which I thought was awesome. Possible move on the horizon....?
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