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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pam Cummings

  1. 25 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:



    It doesn't even make sense from a "Jerry is a narcissist who needs all the attention" standpoint. You really think there is room for another attention whoring asshole who makes every story all about himself under his umbrella? There's plenty of other dumb things he can do to keep his franchise relevant without dealing with the Sanders circus.

  2. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    She had a sub-2.0 GPA at LSU. She's actually stupid. Everything makes more sense when you approach the whole Reese situation with that in mind; makes it easier to not hate her whole schtick when you realize it's not a schtick and her brain is just very smooth.

    Yeah I don't know why we are so surprised when people who have had their asses kissed their whole lives for being good at sports turn out to be not so smart or not to have some grounded perspective. Clark is definitely an exception, not the rule.

  3. Texas uses games against shit opponents to get lots of work for 2nd and 3rd string.


    Aggie uses games against shit opponents to pad their starters stats for the season, then have all their writers talk a out how "back" they are.



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