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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. I've seen some pranks in my day but this definitely is some twisted shit.
  2. There's just no argument you can make for him not being DPOY that doesn't involve things he can't control. Like his teammates being shit. Malaki Branham's "defense" makes me big sad.
  3. Victor just single handedly stopped a 3 on 1 fast break. Don't know if I've ever seen that. Nobody else has that defensive presence. 👽 LOL at the 2 Memphis players playing hot potato not wanting to go at him.
  4. Maybe that whole taking his shirt off bit attracted some recruits with different lifestyles...
  5. Negotiating by trashing the guy through the media, let's see how that works out for them.
  6. My meager attempt to snap a couple of pics. Totality was cool.
  7. "Derka is being bullied" "Also, I don't like the decision that the owner of the site came to. So I'm going to tell him off and tell him to go fuck himself until he changes his mind"
  8. Middle of a Sunday afternoon getting a dwi? Not good man. Not good at all.
  9. McCarthy -7 on the back 9 with the par 5 18th to play.
  10. South Carolina just has such a better team. They just play volley ball until they make a basket.
  11. Bumping a thread that's been inactive for 2 weeks to tell someone to shut up is the definition of being stupid.
  12. Wow, what a round from Shoemaker. Bogey free 66. 2 putted 18 from the back of the green.
  13. Mamu continues to impress and leave me wondering how he wasn't playing more earlier in the season....
  14. Not wanting to sign a morality clause is a red flag for a guy with his history imo.
  15. I have Derka on ignore. Not because I hate him, but because I don't feel like scrolling his longass posts. When I think it will be a good post, I view it. It happens somewhat often. That simple. He does post good things too. But I had to put your bitchass on ignore too. You simply don't understand how to fucking walk away dude. Nobody is interested in reading your bullshit back and forth with derka. And for those of us who have acted appropriately and used the ignore function, you endlessly quoting him kind of defeats the purpose. The whole shit has culminated into one of the more embarrassing threads ever created on this site. Congrats man. You really showed that guy.
  16. Pretty clear at this point that the dude needs counseling and help with alcohol abuse issues. Until that happens he will never reach his potential as a coach. Which is a shame, because there's a lot there. Wasted talent is all it is. Yes, pun intended.
  17. How do you even describe that scorecard?
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