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Posts posted by Spur08

  1. Can we have a new rule...I get that you're gonna keep your purse and phone/phone charger out on my kitchen counter during your entire stay so that we all see you have an iPhone 6S or whatever with the fashionable cover.  And I love seeing your purse that has seen the floor of every public bathroom between Saint Louis and Austin on the very spot where I prepare my daughter's lunch on the weekends. 
    But can you finish your goddamn fucking Starbuck's iced latter mocha who-gives-a-fuck beverage already?  You arrived with it at 10:30a, totally a reasonable hour to have a large iced coffee drink.  You left it all over the house with your name sticker and price still on it so we know you enjoy complicated, $7 coffee drinks on the reg a la Kenny Powers.  And there it sits, all over my house after lunch, all the way into the evening.  With nary an ice cube left, just two tepid sips left at the very bottom.  And I find it every fucking hour on the hour in a different place, leaving a coffee stained ring every fucking place you go, with the straw clinging to the last inch of its mangled life.  And then as I clean up after dinner, I politely inquire if I can dispose of the cup along with the day's trash...you still have to fucking chime in..."Oh no, that's my go-to drink at Starbuck's...I'm still working on it, but thanks."  And I have to find that fucking syrupy disgrace the next fucking morning with the little remnant dots of where you took it to and fro about my home, like the jizz remnants of a woman who may have gone too far with Terry Crews.  But yes, this holiday season...may all we remember you get super awesome drinks at Starbuck's and milk them for a day while the rest of us proudly serve and drink Trader Joe's drip coffee made with love, frugality, and a deep respect for space and time.  
    Can I copy this post but with fucking spit cups?
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  2. Ok.  I've officially booked a weekend in NOLA Feb 14-17.  My wife will be there all week for her conference but will be free starting Friday around 10 AM.  I don't really know what's going on that weekend but a bunch of flights and hotels are all sold out.  I'll be staying with my wife at the Intercontinental in the business district until Friday when we check into the ALOFT off Canal.  The bad news is that I have like a 7 AM flight out of DAL, but the good news is I get into MSY around 8:30!  I'm working on narrowing a list of places to hit up while we're there (been 3x before), but welcome all new recs in between the airport and in/around the business district for lunch.  Also, I have Thursday all by myself, so I'm trying to figure out what to do other than get hammered drunk -- which is a good fallback plan.  I thought about going to a cooking class and saw the recommendation further upthread and was curious if anyone else had any experience doing a cooking class while there?  Any other recommendations of shit to do?

  3. We got some pretty bad news this week.

    One of our closest friends, the matron of honor in our wedding, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33. I suppose she was lucky in that she found out by getting a bruise checked out from her daughter kicking her in the boob while playing. A CT flagged a couple of spots in her spine so she's getting a MRI to verify what they are. She starts chemo next week, following by surgery and radiation.

    We have a very closeknit group of about 6 or so couples. We are banding together to provide car packages and what not throughout her treatment. All of us are local DFW folk except for the friend getting treatment, who has recently relocated to Austin with her family.

    My question to this group is - what are some good items to include in care packages? Of course, there are restaurant gift cards and the like but I'm wondering what other things we may not be thinking of. Both of there families are with them right now so we can some time to organize for the following months.

  4. Would the weekend of February 14th be a shitty time to go to NOLA? I'm trying to piggy back on my wife's work trip but it appears a lot of the flights and hotels are sold out. I know they have all the parades and everything but is it enough were we couldn't get into the restaurants and bars or at least get any reservations? The whole reason we're going is to eat.

  5. Breakfast casseroles never existed in my childhood.  My dad always made breakfast on the weekends but it consisted of eggs prepared a variety of ways, pancakes, french toast, oatmeal, etc, etc, etc.  I didn't realize the greatness of breakfast casseroles or stratas until a post-college trip to Napa and it was outstanding.  Despite their deliciousness, I've never attempted to make one b/c I never have enough people to feed, but it looks like this upcoming holiday will change that.

    So, what are your treasured family stratas, casseroles, or whatever?  Chilaquiles and the like are delicious and welcome as well, but I'm personally looking for the former.

  6. 18 month old has some kind of cold and ear infection. We got some strong abx from the pediatrician but our biggest obstacle is her vomiting from the amount of phlegm she's coughing up and swallowing. How long does this shit last and does anyone have any recs of how to get through it?

  7. On 11/16/2018 at 4:35 PM, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Did somebody say dressing?

    1) In butter, sautee mustard seeds, cominos, a couple of japs, two poblanos, two red bells, an onion, a head of garlic, some celery, rosemary, thyme, and sage: Maybe some chipotle in adobo sauce.

    2) Add some creamed corn, frozen corn, and goat cheese.

    3) Mix in with some stale cornbread and crushed tostadas, and mix lightly because you don't want to overly break up the cornbread.

    4) Add stock and mix until it achieves your preferred level of gloppiness

    5) Add cut up tamale pieces - I strongly prefer pork tamales from HEB because they are dense enough to hold together. 

    6) Cover, bake for 45 mins at 325.

    7) "Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly"  - Ernest Hemingway cocktail recipe, Death in the Afternoon

    7) Uncover! Bake for another 20 mins at 400

    8. Cover it back up, refrigerate overnight. Reheat at 350, covered, for 50 mins, and uncovered for 425 for 15.



    Cut up the veggies and mix with some adobo sauce

    Melt butter and get it going 


    Meanwhile crumble up cornbread and mix with herbs, seasonings etc

    Then mix in the vegetables and butter

    Cut these up like so


    Now add stock to the mix and make glop to your desired consistency

    AFTER that, fold in the Tamale chunks gently so as to not break them up, transfer to a heavily buttered or greased casserole dish (no pics), cook and 

    Business time

    Any chance you have measurements on things?

  8. Smoked prime rib for the win. If your crew is more into ham, smoke that too. I will say I have converted my family to smoked hams after doing one for Easter this year. Coat the ham heavily with coarse ground pepper and you've got a smoked peppered ham.....unbelievable. 
    Question on the ham. Are you smoking a whole ham or one of those spiralized hams? Can you smoke a spiral without it being too smoky?
  9. What y'all got?  This is will be the first year I host.  I've got 1 oven so I'm trying to be a little strategic and use either my grill or smoker.  Trying to decide on protein(s) but I know for a fact I'm going to do this sweet potato recipe (senator russells) as well as the tamale cornbread recipe

  10. 2b08fd027cd93dc6a8f2eeb076483f17.jpg

    Go to your local michoacana and grab a bottle of this for $3. Sometimes I’ll buy some cilantro and chop it up and sprinkle it over the top.
    I actually skip this step and go straight to the butcher counter to get their premarinated. That shit is money
  11. 35 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Yeah, when the coolant in my daily gets low, it starts to make that gurgling sound. Let it get cool and check it. Have you had your oil changed lately? A lot of places will check it and too it off for you around here.

    I change my own oil.  It's above the minimum line but that's while it's cold.  Is it worth getting a coolant flush at 110K miles?  Assuming it's never had one.

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