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Everything posted by NorthLoop

  1. https://apnews.com/article/book-bans-education-florida-desantis-censorship-schools-b4647f7709d06ae7780dd03003dfcd90 Florida bans Stephen King books
  2. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 591 9/9: Rarity: 29 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  3. Which is why OU will never be relevant ever again.
  4. Balcones would like a word with you.
  5. It's real to me, dammit.
  6. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 590 9/9: Rarity: 54 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  7. Don't care if the call was right or not, Kevin Mar having his shit put on blast nationally by someone other than Texas makes me happy.
  8. You hate to see it
  9. I bought Nvidia stock about a year ago. It's been a fun ride.
  10. This has been a pretty good day of football for us. Too bad aggy had a bye.
  11. Hahahaha
  12. So every young generation gets shit talked by older generations. Been happening forever. However Gen Z really might be the dumbest of all time.
  13. I am fucking gruntled
  14. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 587 9/9: Rarity: 27 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  15. UsErNaMe ChEcKs OuT
  16. Glad we have a former Gator qb as a commentator
  17. Yeah this tracks. I hope whatever alien reality show we're all on is getting some real good ratings lately.
  18. @immamac I think macklemore has earned a new title
  19. Me 30 min ago: "Hey that's a nice band of rain headed our way" Me 5 min ago: "And it's gone"
  20. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 586 9/9: Rarity: 40 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  21. I think mid Feb is usually when those fuck us all up
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