Can I bitch about my dad getting old here?
His 2nd wife just passed away a couple months ago, and he's starting to show signs of dementia/alzheimers, which his dad died of at about the same age. He lives out in the sticks by Kilgore, so my sisters and I have put cameras in his house, put Life360 on his phone, and given him a smart watch that will hopefully alert us if he falls or something. His physical faculties are still pretty good, but he forgets shit nonstop.
He was supposed to come visit me and my family next weekend, but lo and behold, he shows up tonight out of the blue. Got his weekends mixed up. Not a huge deal, but it's really worrying me. I can tell he feels bad about it too so I'm not being a dick about it, but man it makes me wonder if he's taking his meds on the reg, shit like that.
Anyways... I'm sure a lot of yall have dealt with this. Just need to vent.
FTR, he's exactly the same age as armybrat Hell they probably knew eachother in undergrad.