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  1. Looking for 2 tix, located in Dallas. Cash, Venmo, Best Buy coupons, handjobs...etc. Thanks gents and degenerates.
  2. Reach for the nice Anejo/Extra Anejo with that coin...
  3. So just stumbled across the bottom part of the fridge of pre made stuff at Meat Shop and they have an inhouse ground beef of all the excess trimmings from all the Wagyu style cuts... Got a LB of it (11.99/LB) last night and made burgers and they were legitimately the best I have ever personally made (not saying much) BUT I would highly req for your next burger night at home.
  4. Love that Autavia!
  5. Pogo's here in Dallas has a killer Tequilla and Mezcal selection. Andy Cody who is the spirits expert is a walking encyclopedia on all things tequilla and mezcal. Tapatio Blanco is my go to value drinker and have been a big fan lately of Siembra Azul. They made a special 12th anniversary repasado and it is outstanding for the $.
  6. Bump...Headed there next week for our wedding anniversary. Leaving a 3.5 year old and 9 month old at home so 3 days of leisurely eating drinking and wandering sound incredible. Staying at the Rosewood and looking for a few lunch and dinner reqs and if anyone has done a cool cooking class/market tour.
  7. I dont see why you couldnt re seal it? I haven't done that before or had reason to...but you may want to take it out, cut in open and do a quick re seal and pop back in.
  8. Tickets right now are the allotment that was offered to the general public. Per the big 12 website: "Each participating university is allotted approximately 7,000 tickets, which will become available upon qualification for the championship and distributed by the respective participants’ ticket office. Additionally, 1,000 $50 student tickets will be sold only through the participants’ ticket office. The championship game will feature the two teams that finish the regular season with the highest winning percentage in conference games. The team that finishes first will be designated as the home team and occupy the South bench. " So there are gonna be a ton of tickets that hit the market Mon-Tuesday when the schools release there allotment. Hold tight kids. If WVU wins the market will get crushed.
  9. Where you end up? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. True that. Pretty good seafood on the west side of town. Hudson and Montlake my two favorites, and TJs for a quicker market feel. Still haven’t hit up Lovers Seafood yet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Cod Persilade with roasted asparagus and cous cous salad Recipe of Ad Hoc at home and was outstanding are very easy to make Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Recipe? Making some ribs this weekend and want a solid non mayo potato salad Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Lots of ambitious plans here to include San Sabastian. We go to Spain every year and each trip we end up cutting it out because we want to spend much more time there than it would allow and it’s pretty hard to get to. Mad-BCN is made very easy with the high speed train (2.5ish hours) so keep that in mind. I love the southern part of Spain which hasn’t been discussed much. Sevilla is one of my favorite cities and Granada Is a place that will make you feel like you are in a completely different country. My best advice...you really can’t go wrong in Spain. Just treat your trip and planning that you will go back and hit up geographic areas to cut down on travel Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I once ate an entire bag of dicks. Useful? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Sarcasm on the shag...who would have thunk it. I did, them and the other local one don’t do one off sites that they don’t have agreements with the school or location of the event Hence why I asked you a holes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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