I quit drinking during the first week of last May after years of drinking too much every single week. Mostly craft beer but I also got into bourbon for awhile. Got sick of always being hungover on the weekends and irritable or tired on the weekdays at work unable to stop for even a week. I've lost like 30 lbs and plan on running a half marathon this year and maybe a full next year. Our end of year tennis team photo last year did me in. I looked horrible and felt horrible. It was time for a change. Thanksgiving wasn't bad since by brother's house is dry. Christmas was really tempting but I didn't budge. I'm super proud of myself. I've always been one to drink if I had days off no matter when and usually by myself cause I like beer and didn't care basically ever since I turned 21. My wife only smokes weed so that really helps and she's never been a drinker. I've started drinking NA beer and have enjoyed it. I'm not really craving the alcohol or needing it anymore. Hopefully that doesn't change.