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  1. Toppin is HIM
  2. Florida just won so that's 7. Kentucky is smoking Akron so that's 8.
  3. I mean I think they will and I think that the SEC was a little overrated. The tournament is also not a great barometer of conference strength as its about match ups and shit just happens. The SEC will get like 8 teams into the R32. From there who knows. Depends on match ups.
  4. There's three good SEC teams and they're all still in it.
  5. The tournament sucks so far. Likely because there are not as many developed studs in the mid majors anymore because they transfer. Give me just one end of game comeback. Just one!
  6. She's 38 why would she still be edgy? Her album is pretty good actually. She's getting married. She's not the hot young pop start anymore and that's okay. It's hard to continue to find inspiration and make music as you age and she's still doing it wonderfully.
  7. Robbie's job is an impossible job and he handles it super well. So many different hats he has to wear.
  8. It's a 15 hour shift so I doubt they will circle back. It has been renewed for a second season. I'm really enjoying it. I hope it goes on for several seasons.
  9. Anora is coming to the Criterion Collection at the end of April for all my fellow olds who still collects and watches physical media.
  10. So they lured her in there and entrapped her in an endless cycle of innie torture?
  11. My wife’s family had a honor walk for her cousin two thanksgivings ago from accidental fentanyl od after taking Xanax. Man that sequence was tough to watch. Great show
  12. Yea he's in Canada I think ranting on social media about Hollywood's libs.
  13. I feel like the best in no particular order were something like: Belushi, Gilda, Eddie Murphy, Hartman, Farley, Ferrell, Molly Shannon, Kate McKinnon, Bill Murray, Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks and maybe throw in Hader, Samberg and Sandler plus Norm for Update.
  14. I'd put Molly Shannon right up there with them tbh.
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