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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. No one wants to remember what happened in 2020.
  2. You should take a step forward. No, take a step back, Take a step forward. Take a step back. And then we cha cha.
  3. Maybe they should pray for infrastructure and democratic politics so they won't have to be kidnapped.
  4. Legalize and regulate drugs so people know what they are getting in them? The problem won't be fixed until this happens.
  5. So why is Orgeron getting fired two years after one of the greatest seasons in college football history?
  6. Only a complete pussy ass bitch would give a shit about that, which I guess is kind of coach you want here.
  7. It's not my job to give a shit about who. Others get paid millions to figure that out yet they keep hiring pathetic losers.
  8. He couldn't win at USC but these dorks think he can win here?
  9. You're assuming he's had a good track record as a head coach which he obviously hasn't. Why Texas keeps hiring these dopes is beyond me. You've gotta have an entirely different level of head coach for this job.
  10. Why does Texas always hire the wrong guys?
  11. Where? I love both.
  12. Seeing them Saturday at Stubbs in Austin. Can't wait.
  13. Pretty funny that anyone thinks that middle schoolers are reading anything from the school library.
  14. Bitches always be starting shit and the hapless husband gets knocked senseless. Hilarious.
  15. Yea I've been thinking of getting a switch for a long while and I think this might have sealed the deal.
  16. Well they’re remastering the original trilogy but are never coming out with a new game.
  17. Why in the hell do people want to keep playing a game they beat 8 years ago?
  18. So any predictions what the rotation is going to look like?
  19. I'm old and not really an online gamer so I don't really know how any of that works. They pay for new extensions and then in-game purchases constantly? I just don't even remotely understand playing the same game doing new missions for years and years and years but then again when I was more into games they'd have a new one come out every other year or so.
  20. GTA V continues to make buckets of money. To a lesser extent, they would probably like to let the next gen consoles expand into more homes. People keep playing it? Like get a new universe please.
  21. How many consoles ago was GTA V and they aren't even close to a new one? What a weird era in gaming.
  22. Why in the hell are they still difficult to obtain? Is it always like this?
  23. Do they just say peloton as many times as possible per workout? Who is peloton?
  24. I want a nuclear bomb to go off inside the Progressive studios. Just end it.
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