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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Ever hear of the Seattle Seven?
  2. Isn't it too soon to speculate on what happened? I thought we didn't speculate anymore.
  3. Why is everyone like this whenever something tragic happens? We'd like to know why it happened and this forum is for discussing things. It's a valid question. My MA advisor died suddenly when a pulmonary embolism burst while on a ladder in the archives in Italy reaching for a book. We all wanted to know why it happened.
  4. Hank Gathers is the only thing that comes to mind but I don't think I was watching at the time. This is one of the worst things I've ever witnessed.
  5. I think I'm gonna be sick. This is just horrible.
  6. It’s our most modestly priced receptacle.
  7. Who am I? I'm a fucking Veteran, that's who I am!
  8. Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.
  9. I wouldn’t hold out much hope for the tape deck tho. Or the Creedence.
  10. Mr Lebowski, this is Bill Salinger of the Southern Cal bowling league. We received an, uh, an informal complaint that a member of your team - a Walter Sobchak? - drew a firearm during league play. If this is true, of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws and also article 27...
  11. I bet you meet a lot of man friends.
  12. I think and laugh about that shit all the time. He even brought a paper lol. So fucking good.
  13. Did they make her do a press conference?
  14. Why would you want to make a country that is already great, great again?
  15. Should have protected the kid by wearing a condom in the first place smh.
  16. Daily Texan nullification crisis?
  17. Well, I'd imagine Rage would have been on this year's had they not decided to take 2021 off.
  18. The single day passes sold out practically immediately and are already up on stubhub for over $280 each day. Three day passes going for $588 jfc.
  19. Does anyone think they're gonna add bands? Seems a little light compared to other years. And Sunday is going to be fantastic.
  20. Because Billy moved the body.
  21. This is a show where they should just drop all of the episodes. This is an afternoon binge of greatness.
  22. Family reunion and keeping it in the family might be clues.
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