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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Gremlins, Die Hard, Elf, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation and Its a Wonderful Life should be in the 6 team playoff.
  2. The wife and I are both in education and are definitely going to be leaving in the next couple of years and were going to even before Trump's election. I still need to use my VA loan so hopefully that won't be cut along with social security by the time we move.
  3. Iron lungs are gonna be en vogue again I'm so fucking excited!!! "Oh he has health problems."
  4. Put Arch in. He can at least run the ball.
  5. So many great players for Texas and fucking Ewers is going to fuck it up for all of them as well as the limp dick kicker.
  6. I hope his hospital stay and ambulance ride bankrupts his family.
  7. I'm a day and a half away from driving the 12ish hours to Kansas City with a car full of cats, a dog and a wife who hates to drive long distances. Pray for my sanity. She's also about to blow up at anyone who even mentions the election and much of my family there definitely voted for Trump. Luckily we are staying at a hotel all week so we can escape if need be. A Kansas basketball victory over Duke, a Kansas football victory over Baylor and a Texas victory of the fuckwads in College Station will make everything as perfect as it can be.
  8. The one female deckhand is both butt ugly, worthless at her job and batshit crazy. An amazing trifecta in yachting.
  9. How am I supposed to laugh at people if I don't tune in?
  10. This is like watching a fake stream but on netflix lol. I'll just go back to watching quadruple box college basketball
  11. I just don't understand what the voters on the fence or who swung to Trump want other than Kamala not being president or for her to magically prevent a genocide from happening when she's not even president yet. Why so reactive to swing from Biden back to Trump when it is actually going to fuck up and disrupt many of their poor little uneducated lives and make their lives worse? Why is the voting public so idiotic? Is it their nonstop consumption of social media and goods in a hyper-capitalistic society where they think that only the extreme right can make their lives better and allow them to consume even more social media and consumer goods? The illegal porn act is gonna make them happy af.
  12. They're all just sped daycare centers anyway these days but this is going to be a complete shitshow and I'm pulling up a chair.
  13. I assume this thing is going to be epic being an election year so let's get it started. We're going to Kansas City to celebrate my dad's 80th a little early and I think it'll actually be pretty great. Much of my family are Republicans but they've been pretty okay with keeping their mouths shut about politics of late. My loud mouth sister will be there who is absolute nuts and MAGA so it could be interesting. My wife and I are staying in a hotel all week so we can at least escape when/if we need to. It's also my first major holiday sober so wish me luck in keeping it that way. Let's hear it.
  14. That means "from Vinci"
  15. I can't bring myself to watch anymore. Y'all tell me when something super funny happens.
  17. We just watched the trailer for Revenge last night and will definitely be watching it next weekend.
  18. It's sensationalist, over the top body horror what did you expect from it lol?
  19. This movie was absolutely fantastic. People left during the final scene which made it even better for me. Mini Andie MacDowell is smoking fucking hot.
  20. This is honestly my favorite Sunday morning in a long long time lol.
  21. She actually survived and is trying to make it. Let her be.
  22. Thomas J came back to life only to be stung again?
  23. What if no waves come during surfing? And how do they score this shit?
  24. Non-Chinese table tennis is like watching the tennis challengers tour.
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