Senior year at KU I moved into a big house with my close friend I worked with, her boyfriend who worked on the road most weeks and was rarely there, and one of her best friends from high school. The best friend seemed okay at first and she worked for the cable company so we every channel and free on demand porn before online porn was as prevalent. Well, they started doing coke on the weekends at the house with this shady drug dealer dude. Not the biggest deal just partying. I'm not into it but whatever. Well, Honey, yea that's her stupid name, decided to go from coke to meth and got fucking addicted to it as well as starting to date her meth dealer. She became really volatile as one does who already has a shitty personality on meth and started going kind of nuts as we were obviously distancing ourselves from her. Miraculously the land lord decided to sell the house so we took the opportunity and moved the fuck out of there like a month or two before we had to be out leaving Honey's methhead ass behind. She decided to try and sue us for it but because I never got served the case was thrown out. She then tried to get us to appear on Judge Mathis with her insane ass.