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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Thanks for the rec. That's sounds fantastic.
  2. KU's banquet is tonight and Doke is still undecided. I wonder if he announces he's coming back tonight or if he's still gonna test. When is the deadline to declare?
  3. High Noon Josey Wales Liberty Valence
  4. I read it when I was really young but might just have to read it again. I'm reading Ball Four for the first time now.
  5. I read this recently and couldn't put it down.
  6. Getting into some baseball books I've been meaning to read. Read Smart Baseball yesterday and also started on Jane Leavy's book on Mickey Mantle.
  7. Elizabeth is looking rouuuuuuugh. There's no way that cyanide goes to waste. Someone's going to take it. Stan's gonna figure this all out at some point as well. Fuck I love this show. Can you imagine coming up on your mom with brains all over her face? PTSD is real and spectacular Paige.
  8. We can't all be savages like Cerrano over there.
  9. So is this Shaka's make or break year? What does he have to do to stay off the hot seat?
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