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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Shoah by Lanzmann is basically the gold standard for documentaries, 9 hours long but really worth the watch if you love history and want to learn a lot more about witnessing genocide from all sides. Some of the interviews are chilling and devastating. They Shall not Grow Old by Peter Jackson is an excellent colorized documentary about Britain and the First World War
  2. Yea this. I basically didn't watch after the mid-90s so have no recollection of the shows and stars after that except for the few glances when my nephews were watching in the 2000s.
  3. They always do some stupid shit like this. Elevated bar snacks is super lame.
  4. Season 2 has grown on my over the years as one of my favorite seasons of television ever. Gonna rewatch yet again after finishing The Americans.
  5. It's the phones plain and simple along with social media because of the phones and social isolation because of the phones and depression and anxiety because of the phones etc.
  6. I never bet on games and I even stopped playing fantasy football like 10 years ago. The focus on betting and gambling is horrendous and I'm sick of hearing about it. After my Chiefs won the super bowl a kid on the baseball team at my school asked if I bet on the game. So like drugs kids are being advertised to and it is normalized for them to be betting on games now. Like wtf? I'm sure there are just so many gambling addicts now compared to what there were just a few years ago with it being everywhere now.
  7. i'm 46 and am quite glad I never had kids. I only have to worry about us for the most part.
  8. My wife and I have nothing tying us down here. After she gets through her principal cert we are moving to Colorado or Chicago area. Maybe Washington State so we can flee if need be lol. I remember asking my Modern French history professor at KU whether or not the Nazis could happen here and he unequivocally said no chance. This was like 2005 or so. There was a real cult of European liberalism and democracy back then. As a scholar of modern Germany as well as a teacher of AP US History and AP Euro I have seen and worried about the parallels for a long time. Any scholar of African American studies or the South/West knows that America hasn't been the liberal democratic paradise the white middle and upper middle class left have led us to believe. And it's gonna be too late for them once it actually happens. They're not ready for it and will have no clue what to do. The rich will do what they always do which is to flee somewhere else. But tons of people are gonna be stuck in the middle of it. Some you thought were super liberal will begin siding with the oppressors. It's depressing to even think about but I kind of just dgaf anymore.
  9. The writing is beyond bad and there aren't even funny young stars on there except for maybe Bowen Yang. I've watched maybe two episodes this season.
  10. Well, duh. I hope they release BoB and the Pacific in 4K but I'm not holding my breath.
  11. This series has been terrific. I will definitely be buying it on blu ray if they release one for the special features.
  12. It's way cheaper, more addictive and now everyone is used to it. Addicts want the most insane high and fent gives them that. The reason its in things like coke is that drug dealers in small operations don't clean the machines they use to mix fent into their opioids so it contaminates the coke. Almost all heroin is laced with fent now. It's all about maximizing profits and taking advantage of so many people in deep despair.
  13. My nephew's wife and two friends died the weekend of the super bowl after snorting what they thought was coke but it was contaminated with fent. That's two people in consecutive years that are a part of my extended family that have died the exact same way. She has a precious 2 year old girl that now grows up without a mom. She was 24 years old.
  14. Can't get any more seasons of Mindhunter on Netflix or another platform but let's churn out more season of this dead franchise.
  15. Did your parents have any other children that lived? You're grotesque. You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece.
  16. I refuse to watch the Med seasons because of her. She's just awful. I'm an addict. I wish I had the strong moral fiber you had because Sandy is the worst. The boat just completely sucks because of her in every way.
  17. Sinner has been playing amazing the last several weeks/months and is ready for this moment. Djok couldn't handle it which is and isn't surprising. He was missing shots he normally doesn't miss and consistently doing so.
  18. I'll watch.
  19. Bill, what would you say your biggest weakness is?
  20. Billionaires have stakes in them Abbott is just a pawn for their agenda.
  21. God, even in my beloved Prague. Makes me so sad. No one is safe in the modern world from dudes with anger and guns.
  22. Any physical media people on here? I just bought a player back in November and have been spending way too much money on 4k Blu Rays and Criterion Collection Blu Rays. Let's post our Xmas hauls in this thread. Any favorites you own? The Shining and Lost Boys look pretty amazing as does Paris,TX and The Thing.
  23. Blondshell Wednesday Lana Jess Williamson Boygenius
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