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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. This season sucks so bad. And how do you run a super yacht with a new bosun who sucks and a new chief stew who sucks and a captain who sucks?
  2. 90 years. Have fun doing yoga in prison bitch.
  3. That poor girl, Cash. She's gone through so much and then had to testify. I really feel for her.
  4. @MillsHayesTV Very emotional in the courtroom. Moriah Wilson's family & friends are all holding each, crying and hugging. Christine Armstrong, Kaitlin's sister is seen wiping away tears with a tissue. KA's mom has her arm around Christine. Her dad, Mike, leaves to talk to defense lawyers
  5. I'm feeling emotions for this one as I followed it closely from the start. That family gets a little closure and that bitch can't escape now.
  6. https://cbsaustin.com/watch
  7. Verdict is reached.
  8. Started smoking again after 5 years without when I lived in Germany and mostly smoked these. Before, I smoked either marlboro mediums or lights.
  9. Last year my partner's cousin died of a fentanyl overdose and I met her family for the first time in Houston in the midst of all that, which was just tons of unbridled fun. This year she is coming up to Kansas City with me for the first time to meet my mom and see my extended family so hopefully we have a nice time without something terrible happening.
  10. I can't wait for this. I'm sure it's gonna be awesome and why are we complaining about this? There haven't been a whole lot of movies and shows about the air war.
  11. I have PTSD from dating a single mom with two small children when this was popular.
  12. I have. It's why I don't care to watch even the lame sequel that they just mailed it in for money. Ghostbusters was written for Aykroyd and Belushi for god's sake. What even are we doing anymore?
  13. Why is Ghostbusters still a thing? Just watch the original movie again.
  14. Yea he's given the best play by play of anyone there. I can't imagine being the family and suddenly photos of their brutally murdered daughter are being shown in a big screen for everyone in there to see.
  15. Crime scene specialists just went over all of the photos taken, fingerprints and the bike.
  16. This sister is apparently testifying today. Probably not being prosecuted because of that I would assume.
  17. Found DNA on Mo's bike of KA. Forensic Files episode upcoming.
  18. Here entire family succccccckkkks.
  19. Will her sister be prosecuted or is she helping the prosecution? Seems like it'd be unlawful to give your sister your passport to flee the country.
  20. Brianna Hollis @BriHollisNEWS · 40s State is now mapping out how Armstrong left Austin on May 14. She ultimately made her way to Costa Rica. State says she used sister's ID/info to book. State says Armstrong got plastic surgery on June 22. US Marshals eventually arrest her in Costa Rica.
  21. Had access to his icloud/text messages and instagram on a laptop at home so he's obviously cheated multiple times and she monitored all of his shit. Dumbasses all around. I wonder if the family is suing Strava for pinpointing her location.
  22. Opening statements begin tomorrow morning and will be on Court TV I think.
  23. I guess their locker room was robbed by the Westwood Kings?
  24. Jury selection begins today!
  25. JFK has to be up there imo. It has practically everyone.
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