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Everything posted by Nonbryan

  1. this. Voted no just b/c they tried to politicize that shit
  2. well shit. I guess I need to adjust my antenna!
  3. Is anyone having issues with DTVnow today? I am having a problem getting content to load from the guide and from the library.
  4. Ditto! Any link is appreciated!
  5. Who are the 2 ladies staring off into space behind her?
  6. Is she the critical vote? It's clearly a yes.
  7. Did I mention that Papa is a veteran of 3 Wars? He served in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.
  8. Looking for 4 vs. OU. I want to take my 93 yr. old grandfather to the game while I still have him around. Please PM.
  9. Thanks Godzillatron! I have a question about external DVR's. Can they record only OTA or can they also record anything on DTVNOW or any other streaming service?
  10. Please teach me how to do that. I can't fucking stand this DVR- mostly b/c I don't know how to make this shit work!
  11. I hate to say it, but so far it looks a lot like what we had last year.
  12. That is exactly the thing I'm looking for, thank you!
  13. Anyone have experience getting sutis/sports coats made from one of the Thailand custom suit stores? I end up paying close to $200 in alterations every time I buy a suit and I'm thinking it may be smarter to just get them custom made. If so, anyone have any get recommendations?
  14. Wash your cars immediately!
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