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Everything posted by Nonbryan

  1. Amazing! That happens REALLY fast! Thank you for sharing that.
  2. Yeah, one second it seemed like it was a mile up....camera loses signal, and then 5 sec later it's resting peacefully on a drone ship?! WTF?!! That shit seemed fishy as hell. Someone please help me take the tin foil hat off my head here.
  3. Thanks Reagan. You hit the nail on the head like 20 times in this post. Very helpful and chilling to see that the recipe is the same each time over and over.
  4. bump. My MIL is suffering from Alzheimer's and her husband is not much of a help. I feel like I really need to support my wife and her mother the best I can. I'm hoping that some of you Shagsters canhelp shorten the learning curve for me here a bit or point me to a website or an organization that they have vetted. I am starting from square 1 here. Bottom line, she is starting to forget things and is deteriorating at a rapid pace. We worry about her now for all of her daily activities. She started confusing family members names the other day and it was a final straw for me. I asked her husband to get long term care insurance for them years ago but he never acted on my advice. I think we need to get her in home care. From there, I know she may need an assisted living arrangement, and so on...... This ride is really going to suck!
  5. A rack and a steak! Real professionalism here. BRAVO!
  6. Port A looks any other Memorial Day ever. The beach had rows of cars stacked 3 deep! I would estimate that the Stripes was at approx 125% of capacity!
  7. Keep your spirits up. You will be back in action sooner than you know. We will keep you in our Prayers over here.
  8. We have used James at Dragonfly in the past. Nice guy who is knowledgeable and dependable. I think he is middle of the road on cost.
  9. Thanks Bill. I went in and re-stocked on some work shoes!
  10. Anyone know what the latest N. Korea coronavirus update is? Fully recovered I'm sure! I would think that with their lack of infrastructure, they have been hit hard!
  11. My experience is only anecdotal. I’ve seen people get better on treatment and people get worse. I’d say the sample size of our hospital is too small to make any judgements , but nothing close to what I’d call impressive. That’s a bit how it goes treating severe lung infections. Improvement is often slow. Even with appropriate antibiotic treatment of typical bacterial pneumonias once you get a lot of inflammation setting in, improvement is like turning a battleship. It’s slow. Can people use expectorants at the sign of early lung symptoms to lessen the severity of lung implications?
  12. I love her. And I want her to juggle my balls
  13. They have a better training table than everyone else * wink*wink*
  14. Aldo, I like the way you put that. It changed our lives as well. We had a VERY similar experience!
  15. Take a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class and if you follow the plan, you will dig your way out of this mess.
  16. Sleep settings might be something that is going on as well. Sometimes it seems like it will remember the address. Other times, it makes me reconnect.
  17. Thanks TwiceHorn. I'm going to give that a shot. Should I expect my laptop to blow up 10 days from now?
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