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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. Sure they did, but they did NOTHING to dispel the Trump explanation of what tariffs are. These disgruntled Trump voters aren’t surprised that he is imposing tariffs. They are surprised by what that actually means. Do you not recall him, for the last 8+ years referring to us making money from China paying tariffs to us?
  2. Kind of nitpicking, but this charge does not carry a possible State Jail sentence. Any term of confinement would be in County Jail.
  3. I’m way behind this thread, so this has likely been answered, but they are in prison. “Detained” means that there is an ICE hold on them.
  4. Is that the number that includes all of those incarcerated in US prisons? A LOT of people don’t want them deported until their sentences have been served.
  5. Yeah. Today was the clearest example to me of watching a bunch of guys that were just worn out. Late getting to balls, losing duels, etc. terrible spot to be in especially given the style we insist on playing.
  6. Don’t you already feel that way though?
  7. Wasn’t that Key and Peele that did that skit? Also, sorry for your loss.
  8. He’s talking about when they lost in the division playoff round to the eagles in 2017.
  9. You fast forward through Weekend Update?
  10. He got the ball on 1st and goal from the 1.
  11. He’s not a defenseless player.
  12. What are coaching booths and headsets for?
  13. Explain. The other sideline from what?
  14. The head fucking coach can call one too.
  15. Yeah. it was close, I watched it a few times and took note of the alignment at the snap and he appeared to leave it, but maybe just by a step. I would concede that it’s not a call I would expect to be made since it wasn’t obvious.
  16. Does the QB typically decide the order of his reads on a given play?
  17. Also, the punter was outside the tackle box, so he lost the protection of the running into/roughing the kicker rule. Shouldn’t have been a flag, IMO.
  18. Cade Brewer lining up outside the numbers was the stuff of nightmares.
  19. Just tried to reinstall OS. Agreed to terms and then I get this:
  20. So far, I tried to repair the disk. Booted in recovery mode, then selected disk utility. Selected disk”show all devices” from the view options. What I see is this: I don’t know shit about fuck but I would normally expect to see something beginning with SSD to indicate my actual hard drive, correct? Should I scrap this idea and attempt the OS X reinstall? Or is that destined for failure based on what this shit looks like? Edit to add: I’m actually using macOS Catalina, if that matters.
  21. That’s what I’ve been seeing but it confuses me because I don’t get how/why my OS wouldn’t be something that my machine can use since it’s been using it for a long time now.
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