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  1. Lower level, DM me.
  2. Looking for 3 or 4 together lower level for okie st. Yellow parking a plus.
  3. That's right we use confidence points we're hardcore. Group: Dicker the kicker PW: runrickyrun $25 buy-in PM me http://fantasy.espn.com/college-football-pickem/2019/en/group?groupID=93205
  4. No confidence?
  5. paid
  6. Yes.
  7. If that option is no longer there for you, you can kiiiiiind of make it look old by choosing Settings>Display Density>Compact. Kinda.
  8. TxArch


    Since most of my purchases are 50 years old or Goodwill digs, they sometimes have a nice layer of dust & dirt on them. Don't wanna fuck up my stylus.
  9. TxArch


    Thanks. Yeah, I have a ton that need cleaning so I'm looking at machines.
  10. TxArch


    What record cleaners do y'all have, & do you love it?
  11. & shit? I have a background checker but can't find some certain shit. Please PM.
  12. TxArch


    Oh shit nice. If you have any jazz records you're looking to sell, let me know.
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