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Everything posted by TxArch

  1. Lower level, DM me.
  2. Looking for 3 or 4 together lower level for okie st. Yellow parking a plus.
  3. That's right we use confidence points we're hardcore. Group: Dicker the kicker PW: runrickyrun $25 buy-in PM me http://fantasy.espn.com/college-football-pickem/2019/en/group?groupID=93205
  4. No confidence?
  5. paid
  6. Yes.
  7. If that option is no longer there for you, you can kiiiiiind of make it look old by choosing Settings>Display Density>Compact. Kinda.
  8. TxArch


    Since most of my purchases are 50 years old or Goodwill digs, they sometimes have a nice layer of dust & dirt on them. Don't wanna fuck up my stylus.
  9. TxArch


    Thanks. Yeah, I have a ton that need cleaning so I'm looking at machines.
  10. TxArch


    What record cleaners do y'all have, & do you love it?
  11. & shit? I have a background checker but can't find some certain shit. Please PM.
  12. TxArch


    Oh shit nice. If you have any jazz records you're looking to sell, let me know.
  13. TxArch


    Well, count me in the "original pressings are better" camp, at least for certain genres & bands. There's just something about holding an original BLP deep groove in your hand that's made it through 60 years, with the accompanying blemishes & wear from previous owners. For rock I don't really mind early reissues, but for jazz, blues, & soul, I definitely seek out first or second pressings.
  14. TxArch


    Are you speaking to 70s/80s/90s reissues in general, or do you think that today's "180 gram blue razzle dazzle holgraphic picture disc" pressings are as "good" as original pressings?
  15. TxArch


    Nice, you've got some good jazz albums in your collection!
  16. TxArch


    Just added you. Not sure if you can do it on the app, but on desktop it's under Community>Friends.
  17. TxArch


    For anyone on Discogs, what's your username? Mine is 'thedjbambino'. We can be fwiends. If you're digging without Discogs, how do you do it? I was completely lost before cataloging my collection. I'd buy doubles or reissues and not even realize it. Having used Discogs for a few years now, I feel confident that I'm paying a fair price for whatever I'm looking at, and I'm more confident about my wants/haves. I still need to catalog my 45s & CDs, but I don't usually search for those anyway.
  18. So just like here then.
  19. O hai. Are we finally the Yankees now? Keep Dybala, bye Higuain.
  20. TxArch


    When it comes to records, I'm fuckin George McFly.
  21. TxArch


    Probably. This guy is really good & charges reasonably if you need to have it repaired https://www.facebook.com/flatrateelectronics/.
  22. TxArch


    I've done it a few times now, you just have to be pretty careful since it's a tight space. I've read that internally grounding the table to itself doesn't actually ground it, but whatever. If it does it does.
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