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Scheiss Meister

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Scheiss Meister

  1. Throw in that the fools doing it were aggy, untrained, drunk, and exhausted (they leave class, go to the cut site and work all night, then go back to class), it is even more dangerous. It's a wonder more weren't killed. My daughter (no pictures) works in conservation and has training as a sawyer. She has to recertify every year to keep her rating up. It is an inherently dangerous job that requires training, teamwork, and a strong predilection for safety.
  2. Their corpses will be useful as temporary substitutes for sand bags.
  3. In 1986 and 87 I dated a woman who had worked in aggy's risk management department. She told me then that they (risk management) had been trying to get bonfire shut down for at least 10 years due to the risk and actual costs to aggy. The risk department was told to shut up and deal with it. The stack itself was the least dangerous part of the undertaking. She told me that they were regularly paying out settlements to students injured or killed at the cut sites, or to people injured or killed in automobile accidents caused by drunk and/or exhausted aggys driving back from cut sites. I remember several news reports in the 80s and 90s about students and other drivers being killed or maimed in such accidents. There were also accidents on the stack site, but they weren't as severe as the others until the stack collapsed.
  4. This. How many Iranian or sympathetic cargo ships are in the Eastern Mediterranean? Britain showed in the Falklands that container ships can be effective carriers for S\VTOL aircraft. While Israel is looking east, launch a bunch of drones and missiles from the west. Maybe some spec op raids, too.
  5. The bottom line is still that we can send ammo, equipment, and money to Ukraine to defeat Russia now, or send ammo, equipment, money, and our children to Europe in the next few years to defeat Russia then. Simple choice. As was pointed out at the beginning of this invasion: if you wonder what you would have done and supported in the late thirties as Hitler was cranking things up in Europe, it is what you are doing and supporting now.
  6. The Senate doing their constitutional job of approving judges is not wasting time and money, and, as has already been pointed out, is not delaying funding for Ukraine by even a nanosecond. The House "leadership" is the group who are doing Russia a solid by denying funding for Ukraine a vote. Not even remotely similar. Have you had your meds today?
  7. Also ask them why Abbott is abetting the "invaders" by helping them get to their objectives. And why we're paying to get them to their objectives.
  8. I had a guy pull the "you never said anything about this before!" act once when I initiated a PIP for him. I had my notes ready and asked him if he remembered our conversations on February 4th, 11th, 18th, (dates are for illustration only) etc. for three months, weekly meetings REQUESTED BY HIM, discussing his lack of performance. He, of course, did not, including the one two days before the PIP meeting. We then had a further two months of weekly meetings while he failed to progress even a little. No effort from him at all. What an unnecessary beating for both of us. Before him, I thought that having to fire someone signified that I had failed to provide enough training, motivation, leadership, or tools for the folks that I fired. He made me realize that someone else's failure or refusal to perform was on them, not me. Sometimes you hire the wrong one, and you have to cut bait to make a place for someone better.
  9. Academy sucks ass and never has anything I need. I leave disappointed 100% of the time. Fishing stuff? Nope. Kids soccer cleats? nope. Camping gear? nope. She said stink bait, not live shrimp.
  10. I am a life-long Beatles fan, too. I didn't know until a few months ago that Eric Clapton played the lead guitar on While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I always thought that it was George channeling his inner Clapton.
  11. My first thought was, "Damn! Ukrain wanted that target thoroughly destroyed!" But if you are targeting a high value target in a hotly contested airspace, you shoot three or four rounds at it to increase your chances of a hit. When it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight.
  12. Putin's not saying that Ukraine is to blame; he's saying that he's blaming Ukraine.
  13. "Academy is stink bait for men." An observation by Frau Meister earlier today. Spot on, if you ask me.
  14. The Meister can kiss that and make it better for her.
  15. Isn't it obvious? All of this is deliberate distraction while Kate infiltrates the Kremlin and assassinates Putin. She'll come out of this a hero!
  16. They'll just say that he or she shouldn't have looked illegal and should have had their papers on them.
  17. I hadn't thought about a "Box 13" situation, but that is also an opportunity for them to monkey wrench elections.
  18. I don't think that they want more accurate counts. In fact I think that they want to introduce so much inaccuracy that they can just throw out the results and declare a winner of their choosing, or delay their reporting such that it cannot be accepted by the state, then complain about how they are being cheated. Either way, they want to throw our election process into chaos so that they can undermine confidence in it. They are not acting in good faith.
  19. Tell him that a fagot is a bundle of sticks. That has been its usage for far longer than the other.
  20. Not a pilot, but an aviation fan. My understanding is that most, if not all, four engine aircraft are designed fly safely on three engines, some on two for short times. Whatever set that engine afire and caused it to fall off probably catastrophically damaged the hydraulic control system. Without hydraulics, most planes fall from the sky pretty quickly.
  21. A woman wouldn't suggest the addition of the chain mail. I do live with a menopausal woman, so I'm just passing along her demands (the first part) and my observations (the last part).
  22. The only way that I know how to respond is to let you know that I wish you comfort and love while you are on this journey.
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