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Certifiably Surly
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4th&Five last won the day on June 13 2023

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43234 Surly 1%

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  1. Palm and Lunardi both have us out
  2. Final Lunardi predictions:
  3. 4:15 central restart.
  4. 4th&Five

    SXSW 2025

    It was weird because getting around town sucked but nothing I went to was ever crowded. ABGB last night was the least crowded I’ve seen it since the first month it was open.
  5. This is our horrifying new reality and I’m truly scared about what’s coming.
  6. It seems like they show an awful lot in the trailer.
  7. We watched the first one last night. That stat blew me away.
  8. 4th&Five

    SXSW 2025

    We were having this same conversation walking from Colton to C-Boys. They could transform that area and basically extend SoCo if they demolished the shitty, mostly empty shopping center where the temporary HEB was.
  9. Not able to watch yet but how does Tre only have 3 shots in the first half!?
  10. 4th&Five

    SXSW 2025

    we were there too. fun show. Colton House is a pretty nice setup. Low key and not crowded since it's a bit off the beaten path.
  11. Birdie, eagle start for Jordan.
  12. 4th&Five

    SXSW 2025

    Saw Susto at Deep Eddy and then Will Johnson at C-Boys. Both were very good. Now off to Deftones.
  13. Same with my wife. “What is this?” “This isn’t funny.” “Why did they do this?” I enjoyed it but as someone above said they could have had 2 episodes drop.
  14. Seattle signs Marquez Valdes-Scantling
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