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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. As someone who used to have to work in Biloxi regularly I can’t imagine wanting to go back there for vacation.
  2. I started Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night. A bit slow at times maybe but I’m enjoying it.
  3. Rounds are gonna be long as shit with that weather and a bunch of am's out there.
  4. pretty much confirms all my thoughts about the guy.
  5. My wife and I own our company and make a good living but we're too small to get "good" or cheap insurance rates. There are millions like us that pay a lot out of pocket just for bloodwork and shit that every American should have free access to.
  6. This is gonna be a final full of scrubs and assholes.
  7. I’ve had both of those things done in the last 2 years and neither cost close to 20k. Maybe shop around next time.
  8. Better than cuts to Jerry Jones or Tommy Davito’s ridiculous agent.
  9. Nobody ever paid thousands of dollars to see Giselle in a stadium. Taylor is in a different stratosphere of fame right now.
  10. Yes and no. His ass lickers have to tell him what he wants to hear but he probably believes it in his narcissistic brain.
  11. Are they really this dumb? She sells out stadiums all over the world and he can barely get people to come see him for free but sure…he’s way more popular.
  12. His SB record could be almost anything when you think of how they got there and how they won and lost. Tuck rule, Seattle not handing off to Lynch, a couple of missed kicks, Falcons choke...
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