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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. I quit watching when he started giving weekly updates on how long it was taking to get his pool house built because of CA regulations.
  2. GB has been getting bad spots all night. wtf?!
  3. They replaced the churro with a big chocolate chip cookie.
  4. Triple OT in Creighton/Seton Hall on FS1.
  5. Always great to beat those cunts. Big time bounce back after an embarrassing week.
  6. My daughter is going to this with her friends, randomly. I told them to stay away from Baylor fans.
  7. The only thing that statement proves is that it was 100% not a paper cut.
  8. Can’t be true. I’ve heard every republican say it’s a disaster.
  9. Yeah. I come here all the time. You wouldn't believe the rat problems in the kitchen.
  10. Putting it at the same time as an NFL playoff game was pretty dumb. Also, streaming has changed the way people watch shows and movies.
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