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  1. Just checking in to say I really miss Cafe Mozart
  2. Like how they never made Godfather, Part III. Why would you do that? Part II was a perfect ending and there was no reason to fool with it. Quite prudent.
  3. That's not even close to what you sent the carpenter. I would have him refinish it.
  4. It's known as "poor man's lobster" for good reason. It's excellent. Similar to scallop but a little chewier. If you're ever in Boston, go to the Daily Catch in the North End and have the monkfish marsala. It's awesome.
  5. Yeah, it's called "why does my husband keep laughing at me?"
  6. Most quality firearms are more accurate than even very good shooters. America makes really good guns now. The fit and finish on Cabot guns is beyond anything I have ever seen in a firearm. Certainly in a handgun. You might get close on the absolute finest double barreled shotguns.
  7. If you want super high end, check out Cabot. Their stuff is incredible. And they are really good guys.
  8. "Can you believe it? Turkey fucking chili - that's the story of my life." - Norm MacDonald
  9. female Bond = garbage
  10. i see what you did there
  11. you have to be very careful in strawberry and raspberry selection. I have three kids so we mow through fruit but the struggle to find good berries is real.
  13. So you got to watch the Super Bowl with your son and no woman around? Sounds awful.
  14. Ordering strawberries online is just buying a big pile of mold in a strawberry container.
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