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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. Anywho thanks so much Bozo for tagging me and pulling me into this. REALLY APPRECIATE IT
  2. I thought it was the lack of a loaded chamber indicator (sufficient to satisfy CalDOJ) so they were not submitted. I was unaware of any drop test issues for any models of the Glocks and don't understand why the newer ones would fare worse than the older Gen 3 design.
  3. I already admitted my mistake and that Gen 3 Austrian made handguns are legal in California.
  4. Interesting. According to the rules as I understand them, you could buy a Glock before 2001 and it was grandfathered in. I just looked at the list and it appears you can buy a Generation 3, but only the Austrian-made ones. I stand corrected. https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/certified-handguns/search?make=150972 That's not true. There's a list of handguns you can purchase in California and not everything is on it. There's been a lot of litigation about the approved handgun roster, the testing that goes into it, the grandfathering, guns being removed, etc.
  5. Maybe she does. But the point is she has a long history of hostility toward gun rights, as did Joe Biden. That's all I'm saying.
  6. So she claims (but I doubt it). Maybe she bought a Glock using the law enforcement carveout, but regular citizens of California cannot buy Glocks because they aren't on the approved handgun roster. Anyway, here's a link to her amicus brief in Heller arguing in favor of a handgun ban: https://reason.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/DCvHellerHarrisBrief.pdf I have difficulty believing that one would
  7. Debating the NRA and its efforts, or the fruits of those efforts (like, for example, Bruen) is probably a pointless exercise. You and I can just agree to disagree on that. Even if Trump is, at best, agnostic on guns, he is not actively hostile to them at the highest level like the Biden administration was. If you are naive enough to fall for Kamala's lies about owning a type of gun she advocated banning in California and her pandering about using one to defend herself, then.....okay. I'm not a fan of Bondi, especially on guns, but I cannot parse your doomsday comment on the destruction of the constitution. I can tell you that people in Trump's inner circle are very big on gun rights and will have some positive influence there. Will it be perfect? Probably not. But maybe your idea of trading suppressors for red flags will have some chance of coming true.
  8. Agree with all of this. You have to let them come to it at their own speed. My 17 year old wants nothing to do with it. My 10 year old shot his first deer this weekend (first time shooting at any animal so I was nervous for him). But he put it right in the bread basket.
  9. WTF did I do I mean obviously Trump is better for gun owners than Kamala Harris but I'm not sure why I caught some fire on this one
  10. We ended up booking Barry's Prime. Will report back. No need to report on Piero's. It rocks.
  11. I think that would be fine. I would bring everything to a boil once it's all together and then reduce to simmer for a while.
  12. Is Golden Steer any good? I'm going to LV in January and have my annual Piero's trip locked up but am looking for something different.
  13. You cannot be including Apocalypse Now in this statement
  14. If you're in DC, New York, New Jersey, or Massachusetts they pride themselves on getting involved.
  15. If you drive through without stopping you are protected by the Firearm Owner’s Protection Act. If you stop for any meaningful period of time, you’re not. You cannot bring a firearm into Massachusetts without registering it with the state, which you cannot currently do (to cite but one example). And as for taking it into certain cities? You’re toast. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but taking an unregistered unlicensed firearm of any kind into some areas is a felony. Leaving it in your car is a felony. Taking it into a hotel is a felony.
  16. You should know you cannot do that. For one, gun laws change all the time. There are many states where you cannot have a handgun at all, since you are not a resident and do not possess a license. There are many states where you cannot possess a so-called "assault weapon." There are many states where you cannot possess a "large capacity magazine," usually set at anything more than ten. There is a least one state where you cannot have a semiautomatic firearm AT ALL (including shotgun). There are many states where you have to have a license to possess a firearm of any kind and you will not be eligible as a non-resident of that state. There are restrictions on pepper spray, stun guns, or certain sticks in some locations. NRA-ILA's map is helpful, but I would be very careful in relying on it and would check it frequently for updates.
  17. Politics aside, about once a month I look at my FB friends and play a mental game. If they are not somebody I would be genuinely happy to see in person, or would walk across the street to say hello to, in person, I unfriend them and move on. Simplifies everything.
  18. Hard to go wrong with holy trinity of .30-'06, .270, .308. All fantastic deer guns.
  19. Great take on Apocalypto. It's a masterpiece and the ending is astounding.
  20. I think it's more like play time is over. They are barely functioning and now the weight will be crushing and he knows that. Part of him wanted to fail I think. That's how he's been acting, anyway.
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