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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. Then you don't know the facts of what happened. Thanks for chiming in anyway. Very helpful. and 30 Rock
  2. Commando Predator Conan the Barbarian Conan the Destoyer Pumping Iron True Lies Terminator Terminator 2 Running Man Twins Total Recall Kindergarten Cop
  3. Agreed. I consider The Wire to be a very optimistic take on Baltimore. I think we've talked about this but I think Baltimore is terrible. I lived in Bolton Hill and then in Towson. While I liked Guilford and Roland Park architecturally, I really didn't think it was all that safe (or worth the money). And Towson was sort of a nowhere culturally.
  4. Saw something similar in Boston, but it was a coed driving a Jeep and it was a metal trash barrel so sparks were shooting out everywhere.
  5. Anyway, Felix, sorry if you like Baltimore. It's a shithole.
  6. That's usually correct, except where Marilyn Mosby needs cover. Then it's time to make a big statement about how unreliable the prosecution is. Frosh hasn't had the opportunity to say anything under oath that I know of. Maybe he is lying (though I can't think of a good reason for him to do that given his current position as AG). I just read the Motion to Vacate. If that evidence was suppressed, I agree it's problematic. Did anybody from Syed's legal team testify that they had not seen it? Anyway, like I said, I have no idea whether Syed did this or not. I just know that it is not possible to trust the motives of any law enforcement entity in Baltimore.
  7. I lived in Baltimore for 8 years. This is all bullshit. The only reason Syed was cut loose was because Mosby's trial starts soon and she wants good PR. The Brady evidence was not exculpatory and Brian Frosh has already made a statement that that material was disclosed to the defense on multiple occasions. I have no comment on Syed's innocence or guilt and haven't followed it closely, but this is all typical Smalltimore horseshit to help Mosby beat her own legal issues. What a fucking dump. Fuck Baltimore.
  8. The initial training sequences were awesome as well.
  9. Plus Guns N' Roses is not hair metal or glam metal. What the fuck
  10. By the time Cerberus bought Remington and stripped down its operations, the firearms they produced went South. They just are not that good. And I am not a huge Mossberg fan so it pains me to recommend a 500 series over an 870, but the quality is higher.
  11. 870 Wingmaster is one of the finest guns every produced. I have an early-90s 870 Express and it is definitely ugly. It's also fabulous, reliable and accurate.
  12. Do not buy a new 870. You will regret it. They are not the quality they were even ten years ago. I'd buy a Mossberg if I wanted a similar quality pump shotgun now. The 870 has gone down the toilet (and I think it's one of the top 5 American guns ever made).
  13. I don't think they intended to favor Alabama but I thought they were just all around terrible.
  14. Bama fan here: I thought the officiating was atrocious. Even contemplating targeting on Young's safety/non-safety/grounding/whatever was stupid. The facemask no-call discussed above was egregious and must be called for player safety. I saw at least two uncalled pass interferences during the game where the Bama defender created contact and broke up the pass. One was on a potential TD. I also thought one of the off-sides calls on Will Anderson that gave Texas a first down early in the game was a joke. If it was lining up in the neutral zone, I felt like both teams did that all day long. I also thought everybody was holding. I just think the referees lost all control of the game very early on with some terrible calls. long story short: I thought Bama benefitted from some really terrible officiating.
  15. That's your take on that situation? Very interesting. I would think a better take would be "making the other team's band sit in the second deck and lug all their shit up there is a bush league move that demonstrates terrible hospitality and manners," but whatever. The bands suck anyway.
  16. Does anybody still go to the Hawk & Dove anymore? That used to be the best bar on the Hill.
  17. I do not know. I am a fat person who sits at a desk and presses buttons.
  18. "splitting the throttles" = completely badass
  19. Is that a left-handed 1100 Wingmaster in 12 gauge? Give Give to me
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