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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. wrong. He was good in Dune. He was great in The King.
  2. This is the worst season of Downton Abbey ever. When do the fucking dragons fight?
  3. Agreed on all these points, and would add that bowhunting early in the season is a great opportunity to scout for gun season and the deer are under less pressure.
  4. You have to remember that 99% of the people in Westeros are what we would consider completely retarded in terms of intellect, learning, high-level capability, etc. There simply are not that many people who could be Hand. Add in the family connection, and it's understandable why Viserys would return to Otto as Hand. Viserys is failing and he needs somebody with a brain to help rule.
  5. I'm glad you have likeminded people. That's the only fair way to build up and manage a good place to hunt (in my opinion).
  6. Understood. I'm just saying - that's where the deer are. And the big ones will not daylight on a food plot until all other resources are exhausted.
  7. This was a good movie. Really well done. The scene where Shelby takes Ford on a test drive is awesome.
  8. OR .... you could hunt in the woods instead of on a food plot
  9. dude that model 42
  10. strong work - that's a throw back
  11. completely agree it is creepy behavior not defending him on that count
  12. I'm not rewatching that
  13. I was not aware of allegations that he did it to employees, his writing staff, or even coworkers (or at least substantiated allegations in that last category).
  14. Then you don't know the facts of what happened. Thanks for chiming in anyway. Very helpful. and 30 Rock
  15. WTF
  16. Commando Predator Conan the Barbarian Conan the Destoyer Pumping Iron True Lies Terminator Terminator 2 Running Man Twins Total Recall Kindergarten Cop
  17. Agreed. I consider The Wire to be a very optimistic take on Baltimore. I think we've talked about this but I think Baltimore is terrible. I lived in Bolton Hill and then in Towson. While I liked Guilford and Roland Park architecturally, I really didn't think it was all that safe (or worth the money). And Towson was sort of a nowhere culturally.
  18. Saw something similar in Boston, but it was a coed driving a Jeep and it was a metal trash barrel so sparks were shooting out everywhere.
  19. Frosh would never do that
  20. Anyway, Felix, sorry if you like Baltimore. It's a shithole.
  21. That's usually correct, except where Marilyn Mosby needs cover. Then it's time to make a big statement about how unreliable the prosecution is. Frosh hasn't had the opportunity to say anything under oath that I know of. Maybe he is lying (though I can't think of a good reason for him to do that given his current position as AG). I just read the Motion to Vacate. If that evidence was suppressed, I agree it's problematic. Did anybody from Syed's legal team testify that they had not seen it? Anyway, like I said, I have no idea whether Syed did this or not. I just know that it is not possible to trust the motives of any law enforcement entity in Baltimore.
  22. I lived in Baltimore for 8 years. This is all bullshit. The only reason Syed was cut loose was because Mosby's trial starts soon and she wants good PR. The Brady evidence was not exculpatory and Brian Frosh has already made a statement that that material was disclosed to the defense on multiple occasions. I have no comment on Syed's innocence or guilt and haven't followed it closely, but this is all typical Smalltimore horseshit to help Mosby beat her own legal issues. What a fucking dump. Fuck Baltimore.
  23. The initial training sequences were awesome as well.
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