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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. The last two pages of this thread have been out of fucking control. HOLY SHIT
  2. Most underappreciated Jack Nicholson line in this movie: "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg?" The way he says "Weinburg" tells you everything you need to know
  3. FYI I lived in Rome for about three months in college and you'll never see it all.
  4. Easiest thing in the world. Put all the shit in the truck, take it to the dump, and drop $217.85 cents on the kitchen counter and watch football all day. World's Most Successful Garage Sale.
  5. If he's smart he would have given you pork or venison. Then you'd keep bringing him more to process they would taste shitty and he could be like "I don't know what happened. Must have been too XYZ. Bring me another one that's younger/older/fatter/thinner/whiter/darker/whatever." He could probably get ten or more out of you that way.
  6. I have that exact same knife and it has the sheath lacing cut at the exact same place. CSB
  7. Right, but thinking about it the other way, the metropolitan area of DC is enormous, but DC is not a major city? DC, Atlanta, and Miami metropolitan areas are all roughly the same size as Houston. Houston's area is nearly 700 miles, but Miami's area is more like 55 miles. DC's area is 68 miles. Why am I arguing about this, you might ask? I just realized I have no idea. Stupid internet. I don't care what you do. Have a nice day.
  8. Okay, so exclusive of metropolitan area, it's just the number of people who live inside whatever the arbitrary city limits may be.
  9. My grandfather used to do that, and now he's dead. Make of that what you will.
  10. You've lived in EVERY other major city in the United States? What is the dividing line for "major" versus "not major"? Atlanta, Philadelphia, DC, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver? Are these major or not major?
  11. I watched "box office poison" live and could not believe it.
  12. On my 80 series, you could replace the contacts on the starter and be good to go for another 100k. No idea about the FJ.
  13. The modern starters have ceramic rings in them that don't like being hit with hammers, but that does sound like the starter. Good luck.
  14. Would the starter make clicking or whirring sounds? Would the lights turn on but just not let it start? Do all your brakelights work?
  15. sorry I should have read the thread first
  16. That would be unfortunate. Richter had his moments, like his line about Norm's youthful porpoise joke "that's like taking somebody on a four mile hike to show them a dog turd." Norm made gay jokes about Andy all the time. He made a joke about how Andy's watching gay porn didn't necessarily make him gay. And he made the joke (that I can't find anymore) about Andy becoming a gay prostitute to make ends meet and getting paid $450, AND FIVE CENTS. Andy offers to pay for breakfast, because he is now flush with cash, since he got paid $450, AND FIVE CENTS, for his first night as a homosexual male prostitute. This goes on for a while, and then Norm finally asks Andy, "who paid you the five cents?" And Andy supposedly responds "every one of them." And then Norm tells Conan, "simple arithmetic, that's nine thousand and one dudes." In fairness to Andy, he responds with "you can tell Norm is maturing because he is telling my grandfather's jokes." Found it:
  17. I'm glad to hear things are reopening. I was there about two months ago and found it very depressing.
  18. Bill O'Brien's play calling is trash.
  19. I loved the podcast but Andy Richter came across as a snotty turd
  20. Right, because no other program has access to either
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