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Thermos H. Christ

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Everything posted by Thermos H. Christ

  1. We don't have the players to compete at an elite level. We do have enough players that they shouldn't even need coaching to beat Kansas' backup QB and walk-on receivers. They should literally be able to go out there and come up with a rudimentary play in the huddle like it's playground football and beat that team. The coaches are doing a bad job. Getting the players to buy in and give a shit is a crucial part of what a coach does. When your players are checked out and do not give a shit, you are failing at your job as a coach. Maybe doing that here with these players is harder than it would be somewhere else with different players, but this is the job Steve Sarkisian accepted and he's not doing well at it so far. And realistically Sark does not have time to do a tear down and a 4 year rebuild from the ground up. I don't think this program really was in a place where that should have been necessary when he got here, I don't think that's what he set out to do, but that's the job he's setting before himself. If he wants to have success here he will have to find a way to take the football players he has and turn them into a football team that is vastly better than motherfucking Kansas.
  2. Good? Seriously doubt it. Better? Seems very possible.
  3. Drugs
  4. What the fuck, fuck you. Please don’t involve yourself with the athletes at all if you’re going to be a bitch about it.
  5. This is stunningly bad, just getting drastically worse every game. It’s the opposite of coaching players up. They’ve taken mediocrity and made it flaming toxic trash. There is not one way in which we are better off having traded Herman in for Sark. Downgrade across the board. At least if Herman was fucking up this bad, which he never did in 4 years, we could fire him this year and hire someone better than motherfucking Sark.
  6. Because we are fans, and real fans love our teams even when we don’t like them. Love makes you do stupid shit.
  7. It absolutely will not. No on the field result gets him fired before year 3. Will not happen.
  8. A Herman team scored 69 in the last regular season game last year, but it’s impossible for you to even imagine a scenario where it could have been 70?
  9. Because there was no question of whether the OU receiver stepped out of bounds or not, he clearly had, but an official decided on the field that he had been forced out. Whether a player went out on his own or was forced out is one of those subjective calls that can't be reviewed/overturned. Like PI or whatever. At least that's my understanding.
  10. Every offense, including ours, holds on every play. It’s just a matter of how flagrant it is and how obviously it impacts the outcome of the play.
  11. Whining about the refs and their grand conspiracy against us is the most embarrassing loser aggy shit. Obviously the refs are doing nothing to help us out but we’ve had plenty of (mostly unimportant) chickenshit calls go our way over the years and gotten away with uncalled holding, PI, targeting, etc countless times, much like our opponents. Maybe we typically have more penalties than our opponents because we’ve mostly fielded poorly coached undisciplined teams for over a decade now.
  12. Oh, can’t they? That’s not a challenge you want to issue to our players IMO.
  13. I think we’re agreeing?
  14. That’s allowed now, so we damn well better be.
  15. Thats why the move made no sense to me. Sure, Sark could end up working out but nothing about his resume suggests he’s an upgrade. His biggest accomplishments as HC were on par with Herman’s Texas tenure. We could be 4-3 with Herman right now and be in a position to hire someone who has accomplished something better than bowl eligibility in his HC career. Or maybe Herman would’ve done better who knows. Either way why bet the next several years on a lateral move?
  16. That excuse doesn’t fly when you’re getting utterly abused by Okie Lite. They’d gladly trade rosters with us. Imagine what Sark’s record would look like if he had Gundy’s recruits to work with.
  17. He really is all gas no brakes. He has the script and he is going straight ahead with it. He will not divert from his Game Plan no matter how thoroughly the other side has shut it down.
  18. Ah but that’s just what the defense would expect him to do. You’re not thinking like the kind of supergenius who can put together a good offense at Bama.
  19. Seven Win Steve in full effect.
  20. To this very day, Lincoln Riley literally cannot and does not Believe It’s Not Butter
  21. What makes a job “better” than another? The ceiling for success at Texas is as high as anywhere, and the money is pretty good but not as much as some places are paying. But god damn being the HC at Texas looks like a miserable way to make a living and by far the most likely outcome is getting run out of town on a rail sooner or later. I clearly don’t have the mentality of an elite CFB coach because if I could make all the money I’d ever need (i.e. well into 7 figures a year) at some place where they’re happy to be bowl eligible most years and I mostly get left alone vs getting $5m plus to probably eat shit and be the most despised/mocked person in Austin I know what I’d choose.
  22. Yeah his experience in the SEC clearly gives him a huge advantage against SEC teams. I guess whoever coaches Rice must have spent decades in the SEC and have more talent than us because they were vastly more competitive with Arky than Sarky.
  23. But his Bama stint is the reason he’s at Texas. Without that, no way does he get the offer.
  24. He was able to score a lot of points as an OC when he had 5*s three deep at every position and Saban’s team culture. That’s it. Taking UW from being super garbage to being bowl eligible and never progressing beyond that is his sole accomplishment as HC. If he turns out to be successful here it will be the first time.
  25. Damn straight. Most of this bunch of miserable SOBs won't get it, but they ought to hear it anyway.
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