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Thermos H. Christ

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Everything posted by Thermos H. Christ

  1. Well then be glad that I went to the trouble of pulling those short commentary-free clips of Alex Jones first just pretty drunk and then fully blacked out in the mid-afternoon
  2. Well also the only source for unadulterated Infowars content is Infowars, and I would prefer not to give them any clicks/ad revenue/etc. Playing short clips and commenting on it is what makes it fair use and prevents them from getting sued for just broadcasting someone else's content.
  3. I mean they laugh at him for sure but that’s not really the point of Knowledge Fight, they’re overall examining him from an academic and activist perspective. These are people who have studied him in detail, and while they’re clearly fascinated and entertained by him at times, the whole endeavor is about exposing him and taking him down. This is an atypical episode because it’s a particularly weird moment in the great Alex Jones arc. Plus there’s a substitute host in there (Robert Evans, whose podcast Behind The Bastards is really fantastic). I dunno, I found it highly enjoyable but maybe being familiar with the people involved helps.
  4. You guys seriously owe it to yourselves to listen to the blackout drunk AMA. A couple of quick highlights to make you believe (the laughter is the Knowledge Fight hosts). THIS IS AT LIKE 4 IN THE AFTERNOON. https://vocaroo.com/i/s0VjTBfj6zdR https://vocaroo.com/i/s08WOC94zDP9 https://vocaroo.com/i/s0isyCCRy0dN
  5. 100% essential listening for this thread: the Knowledge Fight breakdown of Alex’s inebriated on-air breakdown during an attempted Reddit AMA this month, featuring the terrific Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards. He is really falling apart, and it really couldn’t be happening to a nicer guy. Eye-popping and brutally hilarious. Must be heard to be believed. https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-ask-alex-anything
  6. If it worked like that, McConnell wouldn’t be where he is in the first place.
  7. Hey Swam, remind me what exactly the Dems have done to try and “overthrow” Trump. Is looking into whether the president did something wrong an attempted coup now? Was the Whitewater/Lewinsky investigation an attempt to overthrow the duly elected US president? Spygate? The Benghazi investigation? Also lol at the idea that Trump wouldn’t go around calling for the abolition of the electoral college if it led to a result that didn’t suit him. He already has.
  8. So much love for Heard and Swoopes, two guys who never showed any ego or wavered in their commitment to being Longhorns. Neither one of them got to have the career they had surely hoped for here, but both showed up and did whatever was asked of them to the best of their ability for as long as they were allowed to. The coach they committed to got fired. They were thrown in the deep end, then got passed up. They went through losing seasons, staff shuffles and reshuffles, scheme changes, all of it. And all they did was whatever they could to try and help us win football games. Hook’em.
  9. I would’ve thought he was a good fit for Herman’s system too, and I would’ve liked to see what he could do, but maybe Heard didn’t want to make the switch. Greg Ward and Braxton Miller play(ed) WR in the pros. To make it to the league as a QB was an extreme longshot for Heard. Maybe he decided that rather than joining the QB competition and trying to beat out Sam and Shane for snaps he’d be better off trying to get more experience and film as a receiver.
  10. Maybe they take the WH and expand their lead in the house (maybe). Winning the senate in 2020 is going to take a series of miracles, and I don't think 60 votes in the senate is even on the table.
  11. There's going to be a lot of information that should be damaging. We already know a ton of information that should be damaging to Trump. I'm highly skeptical that there will be anything in there so damaging that it actually moves the needle for people who are still supporting Trump at this point. I frankly don't know what that even could be.
  12. Yeah, exactly. Someone who is actually convinced of their own excellence doesn't feel the need to lash out at every perceived slight or constantly make wildly exaggerated/fabricated claims about their own accomplishments.
  13. Oh, he can perceive his flaws, or at least some very real part of him can. He's so deeply, obviously insecure.
  14. Man, in the aftermath of the NZ massacre inspired by this type of alt-right Islamophobic bullshit I really want to say "this shit isn't funny anymore." But I guess I'm a horrible person because this is still extremely funny.
  15. He's a garbage human being and an architect of human misery, but he didn't go down for that. He went down for not paying taxes and lying to get bank loans.
  16. Personally I think it's insane that we act like 7.5 years isn't a long-ass time to spend in prison. I don't want to see the system treat white collar criminals like it treats poor criminals, I want it to treat poor criminals like it treats white collar criminals.
  17. I think Jacob Wohl might be legitimately like, Homer Simpson level stupid, without any of the redeeming qualities. And of course some corner of the MAGAverse will eat it right up and totally believe that he was walking the mean streets of Minneapolis where the Sharia Police rule the No-Go Zones, protected by his huge security detail of former special forces badasses who are conveniently just out of frame at all times. And if they even catch wind of the fake police report thing, he'll say it was a brilliant act of satire intended to show how easy it is to make up hate crimes or whatever, just like how his spectacular failure to even cast the merest suspicion on Robert Mueller was retroactively a demonstration of how easy it is to get the fake news media to accuse people of sexual assault. Which again, he utterly failed to do.
  18. I continue to be amazed that these people see clear-as-day proof that Democrats eat baby adrenal glands and whatnot but can’t find enough to raise a reasonable suspicion that Trump obstructed justice or even that he lies about things.
  19. I'm sure there are shady muscle supplements that contain banned steroids and don't say so, just like how pharmaceuticals that aren't supposed to be sold OTC have been found in shady gas station boner pills. But everyone's going to try that excuse when they get caught, so who's to say? And just because a guy is wiry and not bulked out doesn't mean they couldn't be using steroids. Especially in the combat/contact sports, I think a lot of people use them to recover faster from injuries, not because they're trying to get 36-inch thighs.
  20. I said “semi-respectable.” But seriously, even if they could have both I really think there’d be a major opposition from current students and faculty. TexAgs would be all about it but they’re mostly olds and they whine all the time about how The Libs have taken over the school.
  21. It’s going to be at Liberty, isn’t it? I think any semi-respectable university would face a full-on revolt from students and faculty if they were to accept a Trump library.
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