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Certifiably Surly
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RDCanecutter last won the day on March 14 2023

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  1. The consequences of de-Rednecking the party for 50 years.
  2. RDCanecutter


    Can't imagine how you do it, @troph Here's wishing you as much strength and resilience as you need to outlast the bastards. I have been remembering lately the slime in the air when George Wallace was at his worst in the 60s, and as a kid I watched people who seemed normal doing mental backflips to support the caste system. You won't find many people now willing to admit that they backed that. A few years back @Bama Chick rightfully pointed out that School-House-Door-Wallace support didn't drop to a tiny percentage (in Alabama, believe it or not) because suddenly people just treated it as a normal option. It took shunning, and some economic losses as drooling axe-handle types in Georgia pretended to be moderate. Anyway, lots of words to lead up to how I've started to treat Trumpkins this past week. Just like I would a non-senile segregationist. They have come back by playing the hits from 1925 (1825?) "If yew don't like it here why don't yew bla bla bla" except they are smart enough to use current acronyms. "I dunno, I like it here. How bout you drag your ass to Idaho. Take snacks." It is usually a comical old-man squabble. Funny thing though-- there are a shit-load of possible Trump voters who don't want to be that Wallace fan. They lay low, don't support their buddy. A fair number of people I thought were Trumpy based on assumptions, they come out of the woodwork and just needed an ally to say otherwise. tldr/BustEmUp.
  3. Lock it in. In a year that might be half price.
  4. Drank "raw milk," hmm? Maybe. But it kinda looks like "Shh, Daddy's got a headache" to me.
  5. Son if you weren't all ate up with the DEI Woke Mind Virus, you'd know to say "With all due respect."
  6. I dunno, planted an oak tree in front of our old house when I was 5, watched it grow and always felt a connection to it. Tornados wrecked it a few years ago but before that, sometimes I'd swing down that street just to see how big it was. Then park, sit there, and watch the house while saying "tick, tock, tick, tock," no idea why it just felt right.
  7. Probably I felt the opposite because during one of my few Matamoros visits, I strolled alongside the river for who knows how long. When I get to NL, I truck due south onto the high ground. Maybe it's all about how much river you get close to. I did get a taxi ride in NL with a dude with a great mullet, excuse me, Los Bukis haircut. "I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride" came on and he said it was his favorite song. I said "well if it's your favorite song, turn it up and let's sing it!" Windows down, we howled out "I'm WAWWWWNTED (wanted) DEAD OR ALIVE."
  8. In NL you briefly get the toilet stank right as you cross the river, then it's all dried fruit, AC blowing out of shoe stores, and motor oil from whatever that armored car is that has the big machine gun pointed south into town.
  9. So what do you do? Just slowly walk around with the shotgun?
  10. Bounty jumper! GG-Granddaddy Canecutter was a spy. Meaning probably more like a freelance scout. One day, up a tree with his horse tied up deeper in the woods, a Union patrol rode up and camped right below him. All night. He had to figure out how to pee silently against the tree, but he was a spy! Nobody saw him. Next morning they rode off, and he no doubt climbed down and puked, shit, and went blind. A while later he became a super-duper spy as in he vanished from the Confederate ranks as well. Stealthy, like. Climb your own damn trees, sir.
  11. I mean... if that's the girl..? You can leave my fingers intact, and they will never wander towards her sacred body.
  12. Elon's got naked dead-girl live-boy pics of all of them.
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