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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Convert all the data into Alexandrine verse, and have a school of blind poets follow you around, declaiming it on command.
  2. Sewage Plant job makes a man step outside of society's expectations.
  3. UPDATE: I googled the address of the Clayton Wind-Chime College. !n 1988 I lived two blocks from it. I coulda sat next to Tina Peters in a coffee shop, farted, and she breathed it in.
  4. OK, I take a couple of cancer meds, Keytruda and Lenvima. At the moment I don't have to pay anything for the Keytruda. I do pay about 9-10 thou/year for Lenvima but whatchagonnadoo. Viva Health insurance sent me a letter telling me about how I can get copay assistance if I sign up for Smart Rx Assist. Smart Rx Assist calls up a day or two later offering to sign me up for assistance with Keytruda. I say I wanna talk to my wife first bc she has various tricksy payment things set up already. Plus I'm pretty sure my Keytruda is covered. Today, my oncology office calls up saying they got some weird message from a third party concerning assistance for my Keytruda bills, which are $0. I let em know I didn't sign up for anything nor did I sign anything. This last bit sounded odd, and got me wondering how legit Smart Rx Assist is. I am sure they get $ if they sign me up. I wonder if they are going about it Wells-Fargo checking account style.
  5. She is what Mrs. Canecutter calls, and I quote, "A skinny-necked bitch." They flock to outer suburbs with HOAs.
  6. I am confident that 3 or 4 pro-choice voters might take a chance on Trump because Melania wrote a book. Wonder how many evangelicals might throw up their hands and say "Why bother?" Maybe quite a few.
  7. In Birmingham and I never heard of it. I coulda taught night classes in Phrenology.
  8. His retired ass will need that healthcare when dispossessed Portuguese utes start beating the slop out of retired foreigners.
  9. Be ironic if the prison bed helps her back.
  10. Aww hell. I had just started enjoying the East Coast trucker accents in NPR interviews. GIMME ONE CHIPPED BEEF.
  11. I got my walk on today. Plan was to hit a Hobby Lobby and walk every aisle N-S and E-W, make the map look like a giant crossword puzzle. Instead, the satellites twerked my location so it looks like I noodled around half the store, snuck out back to play in the creek, vibrated through the wall to the gym next door, then ran around screaming all over the front parking lot. Hexes is hexes.
  12. "When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy," -- Half-French Englishman James Goldsmith (1933-97)
  13. It'll be like Apocalypse Now, as we search for you on Pirates of the Caribbean. Somebody will get off the boat and run into an animatronic tiger. Mr. Phlegm will be Kurtz, you will be the jabbering hippy sidekick.
  14. Are you gonna catch a ride home, or just turn around and walk back?
  15. Just the medical opinion of an Art major, but if they caught it early, why not try the laser, and if it doesn't work, go with more traditional treatments? He sounds healthy enough to bear up under various drugs and their glorious side effects. Sounds like he's pretty tough. Go kill that cancer!
  16. Quick, pull her back up out of the Chick-fil-A fart zone.
  17. Sitting down in their coal mines the week before the game plotting all that stuff out with that Secret Sign Language like they do. Like wizards casting spells. I'm scared of em.
  18. You think those guys don't cheat just because they're deaf?
  19. We could go live in those empty Mexican houses. They'd cost less. Unless you move to the town right after some fucking "Fair Trade" philosopher who refused to bargain.
  20. Just so y'all know, when both guys say "Donald," they tend to slur it like the Scottish Gaelic pronunciation. Happens more often when they follow it with "Trump." "Domhnall Trump..." Gentlemen, we have been infiltrated by Jacobites.
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