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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. That dude is way more Taco Bell than Mexican.
  2. I'll do art shows where the local municipality asks for their sales tax cut inside an envelope. I generally pay mine by check. My 20-something-year-old friends probably don't own any checks, so oddly enough they will stuff the envelope with not only cash, but enough coins to turn the thing into a prison bludgeon. I wonder where they even get coins, and do they sit there figuring out what each one is worth?
  3. So people who watch TikTok videos and who also know how to write a check... what is that, a pool of maybe 12 suspects?
  4. that's what you get for going lowest bidder with the cloaking device.
  5. We need to hire some of those Ukrainian drone-boats and their operators, then put out a notice that we think attacks on Russian subs are just icky.
  6. Dan Bongino is that beady-eyed stuffed monkey doll you win at the ring toss at the fair and you take it home and at night you think you hear a rat scuttling past your door but when you get up to check everything seems normal but right before you turn the light off again you notice that the monkey doll is in a different place from where you put it. Then when you go back to the fairgrounds, you see that it's an empty field, not a trace of sawdust, just a wrought iron fence in one corner enclosing an overgrown graveyard.
  7. Can we cut to the chase and figure out which bribes Tommy Tuberville took?
  8. As the King of Spain commands, there go I.
  9. Yesterday after dark, when I'd normally be lounging around like Jabba the Hutt, I went out and claimed my first conquest. A nice rectangle like starting out in that old Tron motorcycle video game. My plan today is to add another "box" to the north, touching on the nearest rival exploration. I should be able to add hexes to already-explored streets by walking on alternate sides of the streets. I have to remember to set my phone so it doesn't go into sleep mode. I notice people have cheated and have used the app while driving, you can tell by how the paths are disconnected dots instead of braided hexes.
  10. OK, my ass needs some exercise, I signed up. Let's hope it's digital crackrock. It's terra incognita for about a mile around my house. It shall be MINE.
  11. Tha mi gu dòigheil! Up to about Day 412 on Duolingo. I have obtained spousal and community (her friends and sister) approval to trek to Scotland and take a longer course. Or maybe to Nova Scotia, they have a school there as well. Actually seems easier to get to Scotland. About a week ago I started mixing in a little Dutch between Gaelic lessons after hearing a linguist say that he studies Dutch because it's Silly English. What I've seen so far is 3/4 interchangeable with English. Made me realize that my cousin's Dutch husband isn't really speaking English, he just pops in the occasional English word and otherwise putters along in Dutch. I still close out every session going back to Gaelic.
  12. Reminds me of the first time I heard the word "slurry."
  13. Ukraine needs to capture Murmansk, then start working their way south from there.
  14. I never postured myself as some three-piece suit type.
  15. They don't eat lettuce. Maybe if CiCi's pizza goes up too much.
  16. Reminds me of the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds when the commuter train shoots past full of flames. Ring of Fire: A friend taught English in Taiwan. He would have little kids belting out that song every morning.
  17. My theory is that Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi are all the same state with three different personality disorders.
  18. That may have been a non-rhotic adaptation because othuhwise it'd come out as "AH-cee". That's how I talked until I mingled with twangy hillbilly kids who teased me about making "guard" rhyme with "God." So I overcorrected. Gard in heaven. But honestly, my RC fixation came as an adult. In childhood I was more of an Old Dutch Chocolate man. It has vanished along with the stores and towns where I'd get it during backroad trips to Flawda.
  19. New? That's been the mantra as long as I've been alive. Though in fairness to Mississippi, they recently got a bug up their ass and improved their reading scores from 50th to about 35th place. Or else 15 other states just slid behind them. Flip a coin.
  20. Change "install ceiling fan" to "perform interpretive dance in East German cabaret," and I've got that list locked down.
  21. How were they even able to see him with all that camo on?
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