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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. I think they settled on "Chuck E. Cheese for Gramama."
  2. Got too much bog-hopper in me to worry too much about that.
  3. Matt Walsh is a "Type 2." That is the term my son and his friends (at the time paying their bills with a successful Youtube series) would use for people at conventions who would latch onto them to share energy-draining Bad Ideas that might cost them half their revenue. He's a Type Two. Let's get away from this guy and go have fun.
  4. How low Sunak has fallen. But at least he's working.
  5. I lived in France when LePen made a run in the first half of the elections and then everybody united to squush him like a bug in the second half. Big-ass May Day parade, went there with my local rugby club. People were packed in tighter than a Mojo Nixon song. Finally it loosened up and we went on a group stroll for a couple of miles, my main memory was shuffling along behind a pod of tall Uruguayan girls who were doin some kind of shimmy-dance. Then me and a pal went to the wrong place to catch the bus home, turned into a Sprint Through Paris jumping people tying shoelaces and baby carriages and shit.
  6. I am holding a small dog in my lap as she loses her damn mind from a double-dollop of thunderstorm and local amateur rocketeers. But you know what? I don't have to do shit that the King says.
  7. Bit the bullet and signed up for a short Gaelic course at Sabhal Mor Ostaig, a school on the Isle of Skye that seems to be the center for training teachers and others who want to become fluent. No airfare to pay because it's online. Main adventure is training myself to start waking up at Oh-Dark-Thirty to sync up with morning classes in Scotland. They have 8 or more levels, I picked Level 3. They sent me the materials and its a mix of familiar and new, so maybe I guessed right about the level. In the meantime I continue Duolingo, as well as poke around reading about Old Irish so I can maybe internalize why Gaelic does weird little things it does.
  8. You wouldn't have this problem if you switched entirely to Dogecoin.
  9. Nuevo Laredo comin in with get-away apartments for $160. Plenty of nice towns in France are a surprising bargain, even Paris is not very high. Wonder how they came up with those numbers.
  10. Looks like it was stolen from a French cartoonist?
  11. I learned young that splitting up land and buildings can go smoothly, except that somebody's gonna go ape-shit obsessive about the marble-top table that reminds them of Great-Grandaddy.
  12. Great thing about learning to sail, is that you're guaranteed to learn something, and maybe it's even sailing.
  13. Commercial I don't know enough to have an opinion. You nailed it. I got people at the pharmacy and Pfizer nodding along to this. With the insurer I am bouncing off walls.
  14. So for 2 1/2 years I've been jacked up like a spider monkey on cutting-edge cancer drugs, and they work. Years 1 and 2 we maxed our out-of-pocket pretty fast, and just paid it. This year we got 9K Copay Assistance from the Drug Maker (Pfizer) which should have covered what our out of pocket was. 'Cept we got a bill for almost that much from Accredo (pharmacy.) What had happened was, it's a Tier 5 drug meaning insurance pays 70% and we're due for the other 30%. So in February and March, we got a 20K bill each month, insurance (Viva) paid 14K each time, and we had 6K each month we were due. Except we never heard about it, because Accredo took our 9K from Pfizer, paid it all out, then we owed them almost 3K left over, then almost 6K more in April, so now we owe almost our max out-of-pocket. My question: What the fuck difference did it make to get the Copay Assistance from Pfizer? We'd owe the same out-of-pocket without it. I think Accredo misapplied it. We have a friend who went through similar, and got a Pharmacy Liaison to get on a three-way call with Accredo to straighten them out. Our luck so far is getting bounced around between the three main entities, and there's no point arguing with clerks. I am going to try some more, but could use any big-brain knowledge. tldr: I have been given the miracle of life, but am cheap. Plus I think one or more of these companies are misusing our funds.
  15. My dad shook hands with him and liked him, which I can't say for everybody the old man met. Probably voted for him as well. I was out of state or I would have as well.
  16. Everybody fixates on guns when what you really need are grenades.
  17. My friend. Cigarette? You see all zose Panzers over zere in ze rail yard? Oui? Zey have a hundred things wrong wizz zem. Les Boches, do zey repair zem here, near ze front? Non, zey are not capable. So back to Deutchland zey go to be fixed, if ze P-47s don't find zem first. As for les americains, zey have shops to repair everything, right close to the front line. They are fighting a modern war, with more materiel coming across the ocean than les Boches can get across the Rhine. Now why am I talking like zis? I am not French, much less Belgian. Putain merde de la bordelle du chien qui a dégobillé pas très loin du con de ta poufiasse de grandmère.
  18. Back to the scroll, when reading it, did anybody's face melt?
  19. I wish I had a Groovy Mechanics license plate frame. Cheap-ass Groovy Mechanics.
  20. I'll be the judge of that, my esteemed tan amigo. We here at The Council of Thor suspect that she may have some spanking time to make up for her unladylike yapping, and then we will entertain suggestions from her as to why we should delay her deportation.
  21. Woulda been a perfect crime but you just had to brag.
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