The smart money is spending $20,000 on tattoos because to get them they have to skin your entire body.
Back to prepping, any list that doesn't start with "Lots of Friends" and "Hand-pumped Water Well" is a list of junk that people will scavenge off of your body. Preppers don't seem to think about making friends for some reason.
That's assuming Mad Max levels of Mayhem. But SHTF could have lots of notches that it hits before swirling into complete cannibalism.
[Bubba Gump Voice]You got your mild depression SHTF. You got your Mexico in the 1980s bottom-falls-out-of-the-currency-but-you-still-can-catch-a-taxi SHTF. Then they's Hurricane Katrina SHTF cept spread over a whole state or two. Some folks like gang-infested Honduras SHTF, but you can still go on Mercado Libre in Honduras and buy a sun dress, if that floats your boat. They's Venezuela SHTF, then they's Somalia SHTF and Eastern Ukraine SHTF, where I think the shit gets all over you no matter which way the fan is pointed. Anyway, long story short, all y'all old fat fucks gon die.[/BGV]