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Everything posted by Swearengen

  1. Apparently you didn’t get your med filled. I’m out too. We can disband this shit right now. Actually, I’m out right now. I’m not giving any money to this league and I’m benching my roster. Derka, drink some bleach. The rest of you can eat my ass.
  2. Did you finally get your meds refilled? Go fuck yourself. You’re a whiney bitch. I guarantee it won’t be more than a month before you are here ranting and raving about some new bullshit, writing a War and Peace length diatribe. And I’ll be there to call you a whiney bitch again when you do. And I know you didn’t start this league. You like to act like you did, but we know you didn’t. I’m nearly suggesting you start your own league since all of us are such simpletons that should bow down to your god like fantasy prowess. But until then we all voted and you lost. So shut the fuck up.
  3. Of course it benefits us all. Mr. Always cashes our never shuts the fuck up whiney bitch wants things done his way. Derka, you’re a shit stain on this league, on this site, and one the world in general. Next year start your own fucking league since we’re all so below you. Until then shut the fuck up.
  4. Heaven forbid you have to manage your team instead of hoarding players. We already voted on this and you lost. Bring up again next year and we’ll vote again. But even if we all magically agreed with you it isn’t going to change anything this season.
  5. So far no one else seems to share your opinion but I’m fine with putting this up for a vote.
  6. I’m fine with doing it this way as well. I just wanted to make sure we addressed it. It seems like we’ve covered all our bases now. As for how long you can keep a player. You can keep a pick till it becomes your 2nd round pick. So if KD was taken in the 5th, he’d be worth a 4th next season, a 3rd the next season, and then your 2nd round pick the following season. After that season you couldn’t keep KD as you can’t keep your top 2 picks.
  7. I like both of these rules as well. We need some rule in place for players like Durant and Klay also. Durant for sure would be considered a 1st round pick next year and Klay is usually round 2 or 3. I know someone is going to look to grab them late in the draft, but it’d be ridiculous to keep Durant as your 6th round pick next season. Maybe use their ADP next season to set their value?
  8. Come for the crown bitches
  9. The second game of the season the Cubs lost to the Rangers on a walk off wild pitch. And yet somehow the bullpen has gotten even worse. Fuck you Kimbrel, fuck you and every person you love.
  10. I’m definitely down with keepers and I’ve been thinking about how to do this for a couple of weeks now. First thing we should consider is the number of players you can keep. I like the idea of no more than 2 and as little as zero. I think 2 is as high as we should go to ensure player turnover from year to year. On the other side I like the idea of keeping zero players if you choose. If your team sucked and you want to go into next season with all your picks then so be it. As for the rules about how to keep players I have a few ideas as well. 1) You can’t keep your first round pick. I’m open to extending that rule to the 2nd round as well depending on what y’all think. Again this rule would help ensure the top players move from year to year 2) Every player kept comes with an escalating scale of draft value. If you want to keep your 5th round pick this year then it will cost you a 4th round pick next year. For example I drafted Luka in the 4th round last year. So he would count as my 3rd round pick this year. 3) When players are traded for they keep the same draft value. If you trade for someone’s 4th round pick will cost you 3rd. However, if you trade for a player that has the same draft value as a player you drafted you can’t keep both. So you can’t trade for someone’s 4th round pick and keep your 4th round pick and the player you traded for. You gotta choose one. Im sure there are things I’ve missed so let me know what you guys think
  11. Atlanta and New England have great receivers as well
  12. Illinois nazis. I hate Illinois nazis.
  13. So the last 2 games completely blew up the landscape of the NBA free agency? I’m cool with that.
  14. I didn’t check the math, but I’m sure Bayou is correct.
  15. Everyone dies. Since the end of Hardhome I’ve been saying it.
  16. Bucks in 4 Raptors in 6 Sixers in 6 Pacers in 7 Warriors in 5 Nuggets in 6 Thunder in 5 Rockets in 7 Bucks in 5 Sixers in 5 Warriors in 7 Thunder in 7 Bucks in 6 Warriors in 5 Bucks in 7 Did I do that right?
  17. You mean all our robot masters will all laugh at how naive people were during this period of social media and AI convergence
  18. I have to defend the crown, so count me in
  19. Much thanks. This is sweet vindication for 16/17.
  20. I think he heard you
  21. So, since triple doubles don't happen enough, in your opinion, then they dont have any merit as a measurable statistic? That's asinine.
  22. Same thing for free throws. Those are random events dictated by referees. Let's get rid of those too.
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