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Everything posted by Swearengen

  1. We arent even a week into the season. The league is going to be ridiculous this year. Derka is right, this is a new golden age for the nba.
  2. Just cause you don't value a category doesnt mean it doesnt have merit. There are many ways to build a team and you aren't going to win every category every week. My team completely disregards 3s. The more stats the more strategy. If you don't want to get beat in triple doubles draft a player capable of providing you one. Let's not turn into a bunch of pussies. Having said that Im going to get curb stomped this week and TDs are one if my few wins. So, maybe I'm biased.
  3. I'll entertain trade offers. And even the app is sucking shit though.
  4. I drafted Boogie, put him on the IR, but couldn't add another player to my bench. I assume this is a espn problem?
  5. I might not be a nba gm, but im smarter than the Atlanta Hawks
  6. 5 minutes into the new season and I've already gotten a shitty trade proposal. I dont know who Sports Team is but get the fuck out of here
  7. As long as this league exist my team name will remain Sucka Punchin Rudy T
  8. 5 fucking pitches. Bottom of the 9th, heart of the order, and they see 5 fucking pitches.
  9. https://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/nba/keeperintro I was curious myself and this link broke it down pretty well. I really like the idea of trading future picks.
  10. Spieth is the only one that bothered to show up
  11. We should put the dynasty decision to a vote on the league page
  12. Has there ever been back to back sweeps? We might be witnessing a historic beat down.
  13. Will somebody explain to me why we always suck ass in Europe. I dont get it.
  14. I vote 10 not 12 I also vote yes on a dynasty league moving forward
  15. Nobody cares
  16. Also, my team is Sucka Punchin Rudy T. Every season there is some confussion as to which team is which. Swearengen = Troy = Sucka Punchin Rudy T
  17. This is the 3rd straight year I've had a top 3 pick. Derka clearly is on the up and up. I support him fully in this endeavor.
  18. Derka, get your buddy on Surly so we can all talk shit to one another.
  19. Exaclty, worst possible scenario. Rinse and repeat for next season. Purgatory.
  20. We need to get to 10 teams. The waiver wire would be ridiculous with only 8 teams. I'd perfer an all Surly league too, but looks like we're going to need Derka's buddy, so welcome aboard. A Sunday/Monday night draft works for me. Also, I consider this league like a gang. I shun all that leave. They are dead to me.
  21. This season screams 6-10. It would be better to go 2-14 and get a top 3 pick. But this organization is in purgatory. So 7-9, miss the playoffs, underwhelming number 18 pick it'll be.
  22. finally someone mentions Donaghy. Nick Miller from New Girl is low key brilliant
  23. so fucking in
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