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Posts posted by TexasDPT

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sandlot said:

    Unfortunately as we all know nothing is going to change in terms of improving defensively until

    ....Texas gets a new assistant coach?

    ....Texas starts offering more scholarships to defensive players?

    ....Texas gets a new head coach?

    • Like 1
  2. And Furd returns everyone except 1 of their MBs.  They are gonna make another run next season.

    Nebraska loses it's heart and hardest worker in Foecke and are going to have to break in a new libero and Outside hitter.  Sun doesn't have the consistency to carry the team IMO....they won't make it back to the Final Four --- I'm calling it now!


  3. 1 minute ago, sunset87 said:

    Plummer may be having ankle problems. She is not taking hardly any approach.

    That's a big frame taking a lot of swings for her team and also playing defense....plus, she plays beach in the spring and then usually beach for Team USA in the summer....she actually had to opt out of USA duties because of meniscus surgery this past summer. 

  4. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Also Hentz is a bit like Cat McCoy. She gets an incredible amount of digs but many are out of control. 

    This is the worst I've seen Hentz play....she is so used to controlling hits going at her, but she can't control them coming from Foecke.


  5. I think Sun's overall back row play and serve-receive have already improved a lot since being at Nebraska.  She looks more comfortable defensively and is digging balls that usually bounced in front of her at Texas.   The training is definitely part of it, but I also think Cook let her play through her lows in the back row/serve-receive instead of taking her out (which Elliott did) even though it cost them some matches IMO.  I think she's prone to have breakdowns in her game, but Nebraska's overall team defense will overcome those deficiencies. 

    Elliott's tenure has produced some dominant front-row college players but in the 18 years he has been here, none have really been true passing, six-rotation players except for Mira Topic, Ashley Engle, Sha'Dare McNeal, Amy Neal, and now Micaya White (who is still too inconsistent at times). 

    With the college rules of allowing 15 substitutions per set, Elliott has made his success by getting big, high-jumping, hard-hitting pin hitters like Hooker, Faucette, Webster, Eckerman, Bell, Prieto-Cerame, Nwanebu, and Bedart-Ghani who only played front but didn't have the skills to play in the back row.  (Hooker didn't have the opportunity to develop b/c of Track&Field and Nwanebu b/c of her chronic back injury).  Thus, Texas gets labeled as getting the top athletes but not the top volleyball players....

    It would be nice if Elliott could develop complete players but at the minimum, his focus in the upcoming season should be improving the team's overall serving and floor defense.

  6. I remember Elliott saying that Austin and other cities in Texas (Dallas and San Antonio?) put in bids to host the final four for the 2018-2021 seasons, and he complained that all sites were awarded in Big Ten states.

    2018- Minneapolis

    2019- Pittsburgh

    2020- Omaha

    2021- Columbus (Ohio)

  7. 13 minutes ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    Not really. Jerrit is also a shit scheduler 

    He claims he can't get top-ranked teams to come to Austin...unless they are sponsored tournaments like the Vert Challenge.

  8. Also, I think Micaya's ankle injury in the previous match may have been more severe than they let on.  There weren't any designed back row attacks (or any that I can remember) in the BYU match.   There were several times when I thought Jhenna should have set Micaya in the back row but didn't, and that definitely limited the offense.

    Serve-receive passing was definitely better this year and having a setter that could actually locate the ball with consistent tempo and height really helped out the players.   It's the other aspects of the game Texas needs to continue to improve: ball-control/floor defense (actually digging up hard-driven balls to the setter) and serving tougher and more consistently (Micaya). 



  9. 2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well why have the teams sucked at it, with notable exceptions, for Elliott's tenure? He may know it's important the same way we do and have about the same sense of how to coach it as we do. 

    So why is Texas consistently the worst top ten ball control team year in/year out?

    Watch every elite 8 match and compare Texas' ball control/back row defense to the other elite teams....the drop-off is significant.  

    We win most matches because we have a bevy of elite hitters and typically very good blocking that can overpower teams.  But when we go up against teams with similar hitters, we lose because ball control sucks. 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Sandlot said:

    So what you’re saying is that Sullivan a guy that’s played and Coached at a high level at other schools doesn’t know what he’s doing.

    Honestly, I think it's coming from up top (Elliott)....it's been his M.O. to develop terminal hitters and blockers...the same effort needs to be placed on serve-receive and back row defense....it'd be even better if he could consistently train his OHs to be true 6-rotation players like Jones-Perry.

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