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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. Fify
  2. Can you really call this a ‘thought’ experiment if you don’t use your brain?
  3. My google AI tells me City of Austin pays 146k / yr. Not shabby. But definitely an outlier I like the idea of the sitting around all day thing and going to HeB to go shopping…. But the actual fire fighting is a no for me dawg.
  4. Wow Grape!
  5. Everyone likes a winner. But ditching legacy media with no real replacement for a counter message also has its downside. Fox isn’t going away. So the state media channel remains. This reaches the olds. And the right wing social media podosphere also continues. The left does need to build some sort of counter culture to highlight the hypocrisy of legacy media first and then go after the right second. You can’t replace something with nothing. And yet I don’t have what that something is so I’m no real help.
  6. If only there was a way we could have prevented Trump from gaining power. But alas.
  7. Director of National intelligence….. watch mved too slow. Looks like it’s Tulsi! yeah?!
  8. This dude on tick tock or YouTube or whatever (hoemath) a lot of content spiels on dating dynamics now…. Which I Feel like were mostly always true but the dynamics of women getting to be on equal economic footing has really thrown a wrench into dating that I don’t think we’ve really hashed out yet. This plays into the aggrieved young male dynamic. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8LPhssV/
  9. This is me too. I got TDAP, Covid, and flu all in early October. My arm fucking hurt like a MFer and I had a nice knot all weekend and was super sleepy.
  10. I work in engineering and currently work with some youngins. Here is what I glean from professional class GenZ: 1.) A lot more women. That Stem focus for girls in the 2000’s worked. That’s good! 2.) But with this, comes a weird sense of entitlement. Now I’m all for allowing discussion, getting all sides, etc. But a 1st year female EIT giving their opinion on how a project should be run makes my blood boil. Just work. Put your head down and hustle. You don’t have the experience or knowledge to speak up in a large meeting. Shut up, nod your head, and churn. That speaks louder than any words. 3.) The younger male engineers seemed unmoored. They don’t seem all that ambitious. I know we millennials got so much shit for the same things but there is an element of ‘why bust my ass, shut is borked’ anywayism. I’ve been told multiple times of guys not dating bc they feel they can’t measure up. They feel the standards that girls place on them are too high so why try. This comes across as lazy. And entitled in its own way. They don’t know where to fit in society. They see macho culture as an easier time. What they don’t realize is that time of single income families produced a lot of drunk and absent dads who beat the shit out of you. Moms on uppers or downers to kill the soul crushing emptiness of the same shit every day. Not so great! 4.) They feel poor. Even with great jobs, they feel squeezed. They don’t know if they ever will buy a house. And they have social media selling snake oil and get rich quick bs. Again, they don’t know how to hustle. 5.) Their whole life has been post 9/11. And that’s why I cut them some slack. Just think about growing up in a time of fear like that? School shootings? Yep. Financial crisis? Yep. Covid? Yep. Donald Trump has been around for half their life. He’s the norm! They’ve got culture PTSD.
  11. Big dick toilet dude is back!
  12. Maybe I was confusing her with one of those former Mickey Mouse kids or something….. Bit she’s been been naked adjacent
  13. The internet being what it is, I have to think that if hysterectomies led to middle aged women getting freakier and suddenly into butt stuff like a Mormon teen girl then I would have heard about it.
  14. Not to mention those boomers are paying property taxes frozen before prices took off bc of Covid. Maybe we should be going after all those property tax controlled boomers with their government supplied healthcare and government check that shows up in the mail every month. Talk about welfare queens…..
  15. I still like her with her clothes off better.
  16. Just catching up here, but Louisiana’s surgeon general is a veterinarian? We are in a simulation.
  17. It’s called negging, Dems put that pussy on a pedestal. Republicans just told the working class that they usually don’t get with chicks with small tits and bad teeth. And when the working class called Republicans dicks, the GOP told them ‘you know you like it.’ To which the working class giggled and eventually went home with the Republicans and got pregnant.
  18. You can say it. It’s retarded.
  19. Damn. You got a ‘I hear you’? What’s that like? I hear that in some marriages women say things like ‘I’m sorry’ or … and I can’t confirm this… even a ‘you were right’. But I’m pretty sure those are just urban legends.
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