1.) What’s a ‘tech founder’? That’s sounds lkke an amorphous term used to illicit an image of an Elon or Peter Teil. However, you know who else was a tech founder?
Elizabeth Holmes. Sam Bankman Fried. They kind of were bad guys and all.
2.) Who are these people. Put up or shut up.
3.) There’s a ton of smoke being thrown out here…. But the article keeps using anecdotes of folks followed by a statement: Bit nobody know how many…..
Let’s see it. Show your evidence.
You don’t have a right to a bank account. And if the government is insuring your account, then they kind of call the shots, no?
And you know how much shit I had to give the bank for business accounts or lines of credit… which my guess is also what these folks were asking for from these banks….. a fuck ton. Banks don’t want the kind of heat and smoke a non profit who could be skirting taxes and dicking around the edge of legality.
Everything is a conspiracy to Rogans audience and Elon stokes the fears to drive engagement.
What a nothing burger that will eventually be used to further consolidate the 1%’s, Republicans, and Trumps power.