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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. Idk if this is the dunk you think it is. I mean, you just admitted to watching Jeff Dunham.
  2. 4d chess when they gave him that guaranteed 10 year extension some 3 years into an already 10 year guaranteed contract.
  3. Demanding transparency from the government from a crypto industry whose hallmark is secrecy and unaccountability. This fucking simulation keeps getting more and more absurd
  4. It’s just cringy YouTube addicted 12 year old shit?
  5. Trump economic policies is really just a circular firing squad with all the guns aimed at each other’s dicks. Canadian and Mexico tariffs cripple the US traditional auto industry and then a US ev company wanting to have a Us plant is also bad? What a joke.
  6. OCP 2.0 gate is even lamer than OCP 1.0 gate. Republican conspiracy theories like this that are all smoke really are the laziest of all conspiracy theories.
  7. That balcony on the rudest chick looks to be have some structural integrity problems there on the underside there. A considerable amount of slab jacking could help relive some of the tension that it’s causing. But the only real way to eliminate the problem it is by removing the structural deficient supports all together. But she’d have a pretty big unintended load to deal with for sure.
  8. 1.) What’s a ‘tech founder’? That’s sounds lkke an amorphous term used to illicit an image of an Elon or Peter Teil. However, you know who else was a tech founder? Elizabeth Holmes. Sam Bankman Fried. They kind of were bad guys and all. 2.) Who are these people. Put up or shut up. 3.) There’s a ton of smoke being thrown out here…. But the article keeps using anecdotes of folks followed by a statement: Bit nobody know how many….. Let’s see it. Show your evidence. You don’t have a right to a bank account. And if the government is insuring your account, then they kind of call the shots, no? And you know how much shit I had to give the bank for business accounts or lines of credit… which my guess is also what these folks were asking for from these banks….. a fuck ton. Banks don’t want the kind of heat and smoke a non profit who could be skirting taxes and dicking around the edge of legality. Everything is a conspiracy to Rogans audience and Elon stokes the fears to drive engagement. What a nothing burger that will eventually be used to further consolidate the 1%’s, Republicans, and Trumps power.
  9. No they won’t. The minor league team will play in another stadium that the Yankees own / within their system. IMO that’s why the rays have to pay as the Yankees farm system will need to absorb the cost / effort to put their single A team somewhere else.
  10. Trump bitching about the length of time for due process is quite the chef’s kiss of ‘rules for thee. Not for me’
  11. Mets Mariachi Creed covers And you DON’T think we’re in a simulation? Brah?! Brah.
  12. Is this the fulcrum of human history. After this it’s all been downhill. Not because this was the peak of human achievement. But due to the hubris of producing this abomination. How could mortal beings flaunt their disdain for the majesty of creation with a display so repellent that one questions the existence of a creator. We live in a simulation due to the higher consciousness realizing we are beyond salvageable and that destruction would be far too humane a punishment.
  13. Like any marriage, we have entered the acceptance phase.
  14. Tornado bird or go home
  15. Doesn’t that violate the USMCA that was signed in …. Checks notes …. The trump administration?
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