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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. The music slams. And then goes hard. Don't really love the simplicity of the cat and mouse game basically boiling down to, "Hey, an old asset of mine randomly has a BIL who is the greatest gun maker slash CAD engineer in the world. Wow, turns out he's about the closest thing to a friend and confidant that the world-class assassin has. Are those his sleepover clothes? Oh, there he is!" But the production level is high enough to ignore some plot silliness/conveniences.
  2. As unsatisfying as always. Apparently they've known/suspected internally for over a week, so they've already had ample time to rationalize/justify.
  3. Going to have to ask my Trump-voting FBI agent BIL how he feels about his new director. I thought traveling abroad between 2016 and 2020 was fucking embarrassing. But this is some next level shit.
  4. I'm almost always against excessive use of force by police. ...but Ohio State
  5. Can someone remind me if Ohio burns couches when they win or lose?
  6. Witnessing the people who come out of the woodworks to defend a human thumb is always amusing.
  7. Joe Rogan is a giant fucking pussy and always has been.
  8. Had to take a cross-country flight somewhere to finally see the ending. Just weird watching a movie at home (or on a phone) that's so clearly and shamelessly built around movie theater applause breaks.
  9. Even to a super horned up 16 year old staying up until 1am so I could watch the infomercials, it was obvious that this was some shady, likely illegal predator ass shit.
  10. While I agree that is has been extremely detrimental to Perez* to drive a car tuned to maximize the insane talents of Max as opposed to a more "normal" tune...every other driver on the grid would have killed their own mothers to be driving Sergio's car the past 2.5 seasons. *and it shows every Saturday, when you have to push the limits to succeed
  11. So maybe you don't depend on a rookie quarterback to execute a rushed play to perfection and, instead, take a breather to discuss the two plays that you easily have time for after the sack.
  12. Certainly beats the alternative of a grandpa becoming friends with a teenage girl he accidentally texted.
  13. Jesus fucking Christ. Sure, we're going to arm Ukraine better and faster after January. Right after my 3-way with Rebecca Ferguson and Margot Robbie.
  14. It's almost like you're suggesting that planning to commit $100M/year to two centers was a bad idea.
  15. The Wolves didn't trade KAT because they were enamored with Julius Randle's basketball skills. They traded KAT for cap flexibility. Gotta think they've got another move coming in the next 12 months. But, yeah, the short term impact has been less than ideal.
  16. I don't know, man. It's almost like people that voted for him aren't particularly smart.
  17. Pity people like Johnny. Just think how morally bankrupt Donald fucking Trump has made them over the past 9 years. Liz fucking Cheney isn't conservative enough. Mark Miley and John McCain are traitors to this country. Why can't you store the highest classification of documents in the bathroom of a golf resort? Laws that affect our team don't really matter. "Drain the swamp!"...unless it's billionaires buying off judges and filling out a cabinet with pay-to-play unqualified fucks and Fox News talking heads. Just no back bone, no principles.
  18. No hype around the Washington State/Oregon State game later tonight? Winner finishes 1-0 in conference and wins the PAC-12.
  19. I did have Deron Williams, but he was at least a little surprising how fat and terrible he got once he signed his contract.
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