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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Long story short: extreme anxiety, trepidation, and anticipation during election week led to multiple ridiculous thread derails. One was how inflation hasn't hit Chili's as hard as other "fast food" and listing everyone's favorite menu item from the last time the went there a decade ago ensued. Dragging your wife/family on Wednesday to a victory Chili's dinner became the Surly celebration consensus. Then it got way less funny.
  2. I believe there were a couple who felt the need to punish themselves further.
  3. What the fuck is the point of stealing the signs after the election? You'd think they'd want us to have to wear our defeat. But they're not too bright. Thanks for the free trash pickup, I guess.
  4. He. Left. Early. And. Abruptly. You're being ridiculous. Try this thought exercise: imagine what your response would have been had Kamala been struggling through some tough questions (which she did) and her handlers got into Baier's ear and told him she was done, no more questions.
  5. Are you fucking serious right now? You don't consider your team cutting something short and leaving in a rush "walking out"? The fuck is wrong with you? That was the actual interview I was thinking of when I made my initial comment.
  6. Oh, absolutely. It obviously happens on this forum often. Way too often with Twitter. Though, I'd argue the difference between misinformation and disinformation, but I don't want to right now. But, as a whole, who do you think gets closer to the truth/facts of the matter? You'll deflect, but we both know it's not even a fair fight. I'm not a "you have to go to college to be successful/smart" drum beater, but one thing that college does teach is when not to cite a shit source on your term paper. The right's base is more ill-equipped to siphon through the garbage and, as we've seen, often choose to cling to the lie when presented with new information.
  7. I feel like I have to ask you this literally every time we engage: do you even know what you're arguing anymore? Fine, I'll reword: when was the last time Trump sat through an entire combative interview without walking out or his team pulling the plug (not literally) early out of fear of what he'd say next?
  8. Who the fuck is this dude? That is some Hall-of-Fame level white privilege to sit there and casually spell all that out while eating and being recorded with zero fear of getting your ass kicked or your life ruined by the video.
  9. Ohhhhhhh, apologies. Someone from the Trump team cut it short, then he walked out. Thank you for correcting my laissez-faire usage of the word literally.
  10. Uhhhhhh. He quite literally cut that one short and walked out.
  11. It's hard to put into words, but that was something the hit me pretty hard on Tuesday night. After Trump, after COVID and vaccines, I feel like we were just getting back to "normal" with each other. Maybe not complete acceptance but at least civility and relative ignorance of politics. Trump brings the temperature right back up. He just does.
  12. You guys are so fucking hypocritical with this shit. When is the last time Trump did an unfriendly interview that he didn't literally walk out of?
  13. Johnny speaks in 100% pure, uncut propaganda. He literally can't help himself. Show some sympathy.
  14. Congratulations. You guys won. We now have the stupidest, most poorly-informed electorate in the country's history, and it only gets worse. Obviously, liberals have been blind/neglecting to real issues affecting real people/communities and need to own that. But this is THE issue moving forward. Policies don't really make a shit when propaganda has created two realities.
  15. Welp. This can't be fixed.
  16. Shit, they don't even have to stay in the background. They're buying Supreme Court justices right in front of our faces, and you can't get a conservative to even acknowledge it.
  17. You don't owe a truce to damn near anyone after an entire political party has targeted your community to torment and punish to make THE tentpole culture war in America.
  18. I did not, thank you. Don't my best to never have to hear about the Clinton's again. How about before that?
  19. Mark Cuban isn't right about much, but you're delusional if you don't think the right now controls the message in what is now mainstream media. Fox News, the bro and right-wing podcast clan, Facebook, Twitter, and Sinclair-owned local news (about the only dedicated "news" that normal people still regularly watch) draw far more eyeballs/earholes than Rachel Maddow or whoever the fuck. That's why your incessant whining about the "MSM" always rings so hollow.
  20. Never loved the pick. Understood it--"Hey, let's get the guy who loves football and trucks and eats too much comfort food! That'll attract the working class"--but thought the should have gotten a gifted orator to fight back against propaganda/misinformation deluge from the right. Since we haven't seen a truly great, sharp orator on a Presidential nominee ticket since 2012.
  21. Who exactly? Honestly drawing a blank to anyone whose name people might recognize.
  22. Also, this. I hope Trump's campaign manager got a hefty raise for putting Vance into the witness protection program over the last month and the they/them ads. I have no questions whatsoever about their competence.
  23. I was referring to the kind of people that would be inserted into those bureaucratic jobs.
  24. Yes, we should compare California violent crime rates to red states. That's always fun.
  25. Sincerely asking, is there anyone currently closely positioned in Trump world--who meets all necessary MAGA purity tests--who you'd trust to change a lightbulb? Because they'd be the ones getting those jobs.
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