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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. aggie08

    Media Bias

    Yep, he's crushing it this week!
  2. Didn't he say that he doesn't himself because he doesn't trust anyone else to get it right?
  3. I think you'd be very disappointed how many of our electorate would be able to answer "Who was Barack Obama's Vice President?" correctly.
  4. Not that it's saying a ton so far, but that was easily the best episode of the season. And I don't have a single clue where, or desire, to find Arianna Grande content elsewhere. Had a little too much of the "I'm a theater kid, so I'm going to make sure to show it off" to it, but still some pretty funny moments.
  5. Name two Apple employees. Kind of the perk of the job. Not excusing it, but it is what it is.
  6. It's a little disingenuous to (rightfully) criticize others for using god awful sourcing to reaffirm their world views, then immediately take a Slack rumor and run with it. If Elon truly does want this, he'll voice it soon enough. But I don't think even he is that stupid.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, that was his prediction if Ukraine was left to fend for itself with zero foreign aid. Which was a lot of smart people's conclusions. I think most everyone (thankfully) severely underestimate Ukraine's fighting spirit and ability to thwart what was viewed as a formidable invader.
  8. But it feels good to root for the Yankees.
  9. Glad y'all's cycles are in sync.
  10. Maybe an All-Star appearance or two? For a player on his 5th team in 7 seasons, seems weird to not realize that he's a cog, not a gear. It would be one thing if the Knicks gave him up for scraps. But, for all my MANY issues with KAT and his contract, he's a 4x All-Star with career 23/11 averages and a higher 3PT% than DD, and he's only a year older than him. No real issue with it--I like the fire--but whether he is or isn't on the Knicks makes virtually zero difference to their title aspirations. Maybe they'll regret trading for KAT one day (probably sooner rather than later), but losing DD because of it will be down the list of reasons.
  11. I like the edge, and Minnesota needs more of that...but you aren't good enough to be that upset about getting traded, bro.
  12. He's a quarterback for the Chicago Bears. Which makes this statement ridiculous.
  13. Making an independent decision that requires exercise? C'mon now.
  14. Please tell us if you're having a stroke.
  15. I almost feel bad for whoever has the job of operating Trump's teleprompter. Read 5 words, pause 3 minutes for rambling, incoherent thoughts about wind, resume for 8 seconds, 5 minutes on shark batteries...
  16. And saying that Denzel won for "doing something different" in Training Day is just flat wrong. He just dialed Denzel to 11.
  17. aggie08

    Bronny James

    The likeability path of JJ Redick is a fucking roller coaster man. Now he has no choice but to be the smarmy, hand-chosen coach/mouthpiece for this shit. Gotta think he's having a few regrets.
  18. Are the other teams always supposed to come to him? Would a back-to-back with Cleveland have made the trip worthwhile?
  19. Anyone who willingly makes a financial deal with Kendrick Perkins deserves whatever happens to them.
  20. It's wild to think there's almost zero upside for Rogan to interview the sitting Vice President and Presidential nominee. His audience would absolutely skewer him for doing his usual non confrontational, agree with most of what the guest is saying style. Weird how that works.
  21. You think disliking shaky cam is an unpopular opinion?
  22. Does stupidity expire?
  23. aggie08

    Media Bias

    Are you illiterate?
  24. It was the Omni, indeed. Didn't stay there other than to enjoy the pool. Just meeting some out of town friends. They valet'd my car for $20 as a "guest" rather than the $100 they were charging everyone else, so I can't complain too much.
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