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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. I bet Charlie Kirk is just bitter that he could never beat Crazy Taxi because he refused to pick-up any minorities.
  2. A couple weeks ago, I was sure that his inevitable dropout would help Trump. Now, I'm not so sure. Lot of trying to be edgy, look at me go against the grain types among his supporters, not just truly committed conspiracy whack jobs. Now they have to ask themselves if they're really going to vote for Trump when they probably didn't in 2020 either.
  3. More damaging to his brand: it being revealed that he has a tiny penis, or being charged of child trafficking and pedophilia? Just kidding, of course it's the former because that's the kind of world we're living in.
  4. Excellent Helobious post about how people used to have the decency to keep that shit to themselves. But a little off brand. A perfect Helobious post.
  5. Also, the Israel thread is 159 pages long. Now, I haven't read all of them, but there's not a single conflicting viewpoint? Not one? If prong horn can survive posting nothing but alt-right Twitter at 3 in the morning, I don't think a well-reasoned, sincere opinion with attempts to back up with logic would be shouted down. You certainly aren't one of the them, but the insincerity the drips off some of the drop-in conservative posters as they feign curiosity is so tiresome (Animal Tobacco anyone?).
  6. You'd agree that "lean liberal" is a sizeable goalpost move from "ultra liberal" and "echo chamber" that you used earlier, yeah? Though, obviously, there are some very outspoken ultra liberals who occasionally need to tap the brakes, but I don't find it to the majority, even with my ultra conservative background. Now more than ever educated people lean liberal.
  7. Surprising isn't the right word. I have tons of Trump voting family and friends. Such is life in the two party system when you're absolutely convinced that Democrats are coming for all of your money. But, if tomorrow they start re-tweeting Kevin Sorbo, I'd still be disappointed.
  8. There's a difference between conservatives and alt-right MAGA conspiracy-addicted clowns. Well, there used to be at least.
  9. I can relate. I went to A&M under Robert Gates, who absolutely prioritized academic standing above all else and had the University moving in a great direction. He, the guy behind Iran-Contra, would absolutely be considered woke today. A&M found the leaders who would say, "Fuck it, let's join the SEC, focus on athletics [poorly], and become a diploma mill."
  10. He's not GRU. Margin Call is GRU (in case you were wondering, imma)
  11. Which party do you presume would be more likely to support ranked choice voting? C'mon man, everyone here knows that you would have voting for Trump if you lived in a state where your vote actually mattered. Everything else is just theatre and self-congratulation.
  12. Imagine thinking that Paris is a "hell hole."
  13. I'm going to need you to be more specific, dude.
  14. Gonna need pics of ex-wife to fully pass judgement.
  15. Hey Jordan, fuck God. It's cool that you believe in him, but truly and forever fuck God. Our founding fathers were smart enough to at least try to keep religion--at least one agreed upon religion to live under--out of politics. Also, saying you care about God more than parties means you care a whole fucking lot about the parties.
  16. Can always depend on CNN to cover the is water wet stories of the day.
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