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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Yup, the GOP is sure as shit going to take more than one election cycle to recover if Trump loses again. The party is going to fracture between MAGA and the cowards that are going to pretend like they were principled enough to stand up to Trump's worst impulses (lulz). A large contingent of the incels and bigots and losers that Trump brought into the fold will become disillusioned and go back to not participating in elections. Anyone attempting to mimic Trump rhetoric will fail miserably That said, I expect Gavin Newsome to win the nomination, which is going to play right into the GOP's hands after a half century of fear-mongering propaganda about radical left extremists from "Commiefornia".
  2. I don't think I've ever written this word unironically...but the snowflake vibes are palpable on this page.
  3. Please explain to us again how this site is excluding "50%" of potential customers? And how would one reel them in without having others feel "excluded"?
  4. You just giddily piggy-backed a thread started by something called sheeit who tried to hide behind being high as his excuse for being incredibly stupid, and you're questioning others' mental decline? You used to be a pretty decent poster, even though I disagreed with you about almost everything. Now you're just trite, unintellectual, low effort trolling.
  5. Shit, even Halo is kind of fun for what it is.
  6. Yes. Read the actual deposition you fucking tool. Troll better.
  7. You are such a fucking puppet of the right wing media sphere you claim to avoid. Hook, line, and sinker.
  8. Jfc, the lengths people will go to to convince themselves that they aren't rubes who just got conned out of $100k.
  9. They all walked into a public arena. In the daytime. With signs for the Stronger Mens Conference plastered everywhere. Gotta say, they're already stronger than me. No way I'd be able to do that. That's even a few steps above walking through the parking lot of a strip club on the corner of a busy intersection at 11am with your head held high. Very strong. Or maybe just shameless.
  10. Insulting her for her outlandish conspiracy theories while simultaneous sprinkling in a half dozen of their own (Hunter Biden, open borders, Hillary, oh my!) to be taken as accepted fact. Garbage.
  11. The Warriors were 10 games over .500. In a normal year, they'd be comfortably locked into the top 8. The West is just fucking loaded this year. I like the play-in in years like this where there's 10 decent or better teams in a conference. But it's not the norm. I couldn't give the slightest of fucks about the play-in in the Eastern Conference. Though, that's true for their entire playoff bracket until the conference finals.
  12. His two-way play was essential to them winning the title after he came back from his injuries in 2022. He hit the most threes of his career last year on 41% shooting. But yes, he was awful against the Lakers in last year's playoffs, and he was awful for the bulk of this season and obviously not worth his current salary anymore. I'm not sure he's worth ~$12M per moving forward, and I'm also betting he'd be way too insulted to take it. Can't think of a team that would pay him any more than that though.
  13. 10 seeds being 0-6 in the play-in does make you question its existence. It does at least give Sacramento the historic opportunity to lose to the same team 6 times in the same season, none of them playoff games.
  14. Welp, Klay managed to completely undo all the positive sentiment he ended the season with in one game. Dynasties don't typically end gracefully, I guess.
  15. The more interesting question going forward is will Steph be the loyal soldier and toil away on teams fighting for play-in spots from now on, so he can retire a Warrior? His days of being able to truly carry a playoff team on his back are over, but he's still got a few years of being a phenomenal #2 if he wants to still compete for titles somewhere.
  16. If he's not willing to take an extremely team-friendly contract, yeah. Warriors' owners are finally very serious about not being deep into the luxury tax. Can't blame them, obviously, for a team going nowhere. Not sure what Klay's value is on the open market at this point in his career. How many teams truly need an old guy whose primary skill (now that his defense has declined) is hoisting threes? Klay not making a single shot if this is his last game as a Warrior would be a bummer.
  17. Kings should feel pretty shitty with how that half ended. Won the offensive rebound battle 9 to 1 and the Warriors had 9 turnovers. Leading to 13 more shot attempts for Sac. Steph's been quiet. Klay has been abysmal. They should be up 15, not 4. Two aggressively mediocre basketball teams.
  18. Man, if Sabonis could reliability hit a shot from the elbow, he'd be virtually unstoppable.
  19. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when 2022 Andrew Wiggins turned into Every Other Year of His Career Andrew Wiggins.
  20. Probably? They were the 8 seed. Without the play-in, they're sitting at home resting, waiting to go play OKC, not Denver.
  21. I have to assume all Arkansas prosecutors are related to her, 2nd cousin or closer.
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