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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. The Cal-Berkeley intramural champs vs. the world. Who you got?
  2. I never understand how "famous"--but completely unrelated--right wing loons always end up in the same rooms as each other. There's got to be some kind of touring circuit that we're all blissfully unaware of. Or is AOC doing George Clooney's podcast in a basement somewhere, and this is all normal?
  3. I was going to say something similar. It's kind of a boring watch. It's all just hit the ball as hard as you possibly can every chance you can. Doesn't really matter where you're aiming because, if it hits a body part, it's going 100 feet in air out of bounds. (Crazy oversimplification, I know.)
  4. 40 meters in 4.72 seconds does roughly translate to 4.3 seconds over the first 40 yards.
  5. This "who's going to get the final rose" manufactured drama is a huge part of why we are where we are as a country.
  6. Two more animal cruelty stories, and Anastasis is really going to consider reevaluating voting third party.
  7. I don't give two shits about her. These are my only posts about her since Tokyo. You don't have to like her, that's fine. But when you say stupid shit to justify it, expect to get called out for it.
  8. Hard to get upset over the really when Biles landed fully out of bounds on 2 of her 4 passes. I'm certainly no expert, but that seems not ideal.
  9. Yes, how unbecoming of a professional athlete to want to stick it to her detractors and rub her success in the faces of the pundits and talking heads who have spent 3 years dunking on and mansplaining her lowest moment. You never see that kind of pettiness from all-time greats.
  10. You guys have clearly never heard Vladimir lay down a crunchy bass line.
  11. My broadcast is a loan British (I think?) woman handling all the commentary. I don't have the slightest fucking clue what she's talking about half the time, but it's entertaining.
  12. And this picture only makes it even more confusing.
  13. "Are they playing make it, take it" and "do they have to take the ball out after an air ball?" are not questions that I should be asking in an Olympic sport.
  14. This one sentence has been winning Republicans elections for 50 years.
  15. It's cool that you believe that, but very little supports it. My first comment was idiotic? You're the one who chastised Biles for her lack of humility, then immediately brought up MJ (the least humble athlete on the planet, and revered for it) as a comparison. Textbook double-standard, no matter how you try to spin it.
  16. Michael Jordan literally quit for two years because he was burnt out on being the GOAT and everything else that comes with it. This is so fucking stupid.
  17. This is some of the dumbest, double-standard shit I've ever read.
  18. I do think in 2020, we had a lot of embarrassed Trump voters skewing the polls. In 2024, undoubtedly, there were embarrassed Biden voters. (Seriously, try finding anyone who was an open, proud Biden supporter IRL a few months ago). So I don't know fuck all what to think now.
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