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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Who the fuck is Josiah, and why should we care?
  2. How would you define left wing extremism? Who are the elected officials pushing those extremes? I assume you just missed those questions from me and sawbonz earlier. Honest mistake.
  3. How would you define left-wing extremism? Who are the elected officials pushing those extremes?
  4. Stop doing this. Literally no one ever says that. But, when your choices are a Ford Pinto full of human excrement and a 1998 Honda Accord, it's pretty easy. That doesn't make the Accord perfect. Look at my user name...you think I'm some lifelong bleeding heart liberal? The right just has absolutely nothing to offer me right now. That's not changing while Trump is alive because he is the party, and that party is pure, open hatred. Also, can you please link that study? I'm curious how they define extremism. Or how those surveyed perceived it. Anecdotally speaking, when I hear left wing extremists, I tend to think policy: free college, crazy high taxes, universal income/healthcare, etc. Right wing extremists has me thinking Proud Boys, Jan 6, election deniers, etc.
  5. This one feels more like a "I'm going to vote Trump, but I need a way to feel okay about it." Same, same.
  6. From anonymous Internet posters. It's regrettable when it does, and people should definitely better channel their anger. I missed the truly bad posts after the assassination attempt, but some of the ones I did see were cringe and over the line. But again, we're not politicians. Right wing hate starts at the very top. And they milk the shit out of that hate for their own gain. We didn't even need January 6 to realize how incredibly dangerous that it. And now it's too late: if anyone in the GOP steps out of line and goes against the boss, they're ostracized. So hate is the only acceptable party platform now.
  7. "OBAMA ENDORSES HARRIS AFTER NOTABLE DELAY" That's a desperate chryon even for Fox. Like Obama--the man secretly running the Democratic party anyway--was sitting at home twiddling his thumbs about whether to endorse Kamala or stay silent and essentially hand the White House to Trump.
  8. ^^^ The point being, in case I was unclear, is that right wing extremism and hateful rhetoric comes directly from their political and thought leaders. They start, foster, and stoke the fire. Left wing extremism is largely contained to message boards and whatever an antifa is. Left wing extremism is "maybe everyone should get free healthcare." Right wing extremism is "hey wouldn't it be cool if trans people weren't allowed to exist in our society, and we could make people ashamed to be gay again?" Gee, I wonder why people take that shit personally?
  9. Oh yeah, and one of those kids is a girl, and the hand-picked VP candidate of the man who's still the betting favorite to win the Presidency just said that if she chooses not to (or can't) procreate, her sad existence of a life has no meaning, and she doesn't have any real stake in the country or world. But the Democrats probably have an iffy tax bill that they want to pass, and that could be harmful too. So I guess it's all the same.
  10. This is such unbridled horseshit. I live in fucking California, and I'm not sure if I've ever seen a Fuck Trump shirt/flag/bumper sticker/whatever in person. I can't go a day without seeing Let's Go Brandon or Fuck Biden. If I'm going camping with my learning-how-to-read kids, there's a 75% chance that there's a trailer within eyeshot flying a massive Fuck Biden flag on a 20' pole, and their kids have matching Let's Go Brandon shirts. Good news is that those flag poles are apparently easy to mount on their boats as well. I've never once had someone try to bring up out of nowhere how important trans rights are and how we have to do more to protect them. It's ALWAYS right-leaning friends and family who are looking to find any opportunity to make their "trannie" jokes, or repeat the latest thing they heard about arresting parents for not paying for their 8 year old's gender reassignment or whatever the fuck. Who just can't wait to tell you how much better their black friend that no one has met was doing under Trump. It's a near daily occurrence for me (especially during COVID when everyone just had to share their favorite version of the "after the election, you'll never hear about COVID again" batshit conspiracies), so I can't imagine what it's like for those of you still in Texas. This is an anonymous message board; you think most of us are running around talking about Trump and elections 24/7? No, we have the decency to not bring up politics in polite company. Today's right blows right fucking past social cues and any reasonable sense of time and place. They're so sure that everyone agrees with them that they take staying silent, avoiding eye contact, and attempts to change the subject as sure signs that we want to hear another half hour of their vile. Why the fuck would I want to expose my family to that shit any more than I dutifully have to?
  11. For a Bitcoin enthusiast, Kevin L. Freeman is bad at the maths.
  12. Seriously, that has to be the saddest, most pathetic "music" video I've ever seen.
  13. Are you, are you okay? Do I need to call someone?
  14. Cool. I'll take my chances with the side not using a dumb shit like Trump to set the table for an evangelical theocracy.
  15. "You guys are all obedient sheep." "Here's some bullshit from TMZ and alt-right garbage from another country that proves it." The lack of self awareness is always so staggering.
  16. How do people like you function? Honestly? Don't you have world ending conspiracies to peddle or some shit?
  17. Oh no, she doesn't have Montel Williams support!! You fucking loser.
  18. And he didn't completely abandon his home state for the duration of his term to make all the media circuits?? What a DINO.
  19. No one gives a shit that you don't like her. But you should probably do a little better job at articulating (there's that word again) why you think she isn't smart if that's your go-to criticism. In comparison to what? The general public? Other politicians? Or only the truly noteworthy ones like Obama?
  20. "Former" (with no possibility of ever winning public office again) is the key word in front of Mr. Duncan. There aren't more coming from anyone with skin in the game.
  21. I'll eat your literal hat if Florida goes blue. They're taking everybody's most MAGA semi-successful neighbors. Well, all the ones who don't stop in Texas that is.
  22. I think this is the most frustrating part about the MAGA grifters. I don't think--and you have personal knowledge--that Ritchie is a bad guy. Just a dude trying to stay relevant. But so many are willing to completely debase their dignity and decency to make a buck off of Donald fucking Trump's back.
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