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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. She took her mom's car. I'm guessing they only searched his. I guess him thinking quickly was to sanitize her house (having no idea what "his wife" did or didn't touch), find some rope, and try to frame a guy in prison. Makes sense. 3 of the 4 members of the family were at her house that night. One of them went twice. Maybe time to put an alert on the garage door opening. The biggest stretch was the jury coming back with not guilty, especially that quickly. He got his ass kicked in court and was the only logical suspect.
  2. Who is doing this? God damn you people fight with ghosts.
  3. I don't think I've read anyone ever accuse Kid Rock of being a Nazi. That would require sincere conviction. This is the thread to laugh at his sellout ass and mock any morons who fall for it. Try to keep up.
  4. Ugh, guys, stop using our own words and actions against us!
  5. Why the fuck would absolutely everyone know the personal history of Kid Rock?
  6. It worked out great for Mike Piazza.
  7. Can we ease up with the tweets that directly, intentionally misrepresent what's being said in the video? Trump says enough heinous shit without having to twist it around.
  8. Hard pass on anything that implies that it's their turn or "giving" them their chance.
  9. Now isn't the time to bask in our incredible rightness. Bottle service hasn't even started yet.
  10. Jesus, what a choad. I wonder how much favorable editing they had to do before Trump signed off on it.
  11. Fixing to find out how little the right actually cares about the troops. Again.
  12. I think the assassination attempt probably brought back a small amount of staying home Republican apathetic voters, and pulled a few "libertarians" off the RFK train. But, yeah, not a single person voting for Trump because of that picture was EVER going to vote for Biden or Harris. My because concern remaining is how many of RFKjr's ~8% come home to Trump if (once) he drops out and endorses Donald vs. how many stick to their guns and still vote 3rd party out of protest.
  13. So was testing the theory that a corpse should be able to beat Trump.
  14. After the last 48 hours, y'all are really still doubting that there were a shitload of normal, not evil, not moronic people who were going to be nearly impossible to get to the polls because of overwhelming apathy? Really??
  15. This does not mesh with my both sides talking points, so I'm choosing to ignore it. - 40% of America
  16. Good. While there are definitely more "normal" people that are going to be hesitant voting for a black woman in this country than we'd like to admit, they also don't want to be lumped in with the open misogynists and racists. MAGA is going to do the heavy lifting for us by being off-putting to the suburbs. Shit, even if Trump wanted to debate, would they even let him? The chances are way too high that he says something about being thuggish or ghetto or implies she slept her way to the top.
  17. I honestly didn't realize that she's 59 until yesterday. She obviously feels incredibly young next to her contemporaries.
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